Extracted by Kay Collins, kindly checked by Margaret Powell 1996 |
Gamekeepers Licences
Introduction |
Gamekeepers licences were granted at the Quarter Sessions
The index is forename, surname, status & place (if given), area, year and page. All common forenames are expanded (if contracted) and standardised, all surnames are spelt as in the original books. Home parish (place) and status are not always given. The column “area” is where he was to cover as gamekeeper; it may be for the Hundred, for an estate or for a manor. If the area is the same as his home parish it is not duplicated into the area column, but if several parishes/manors are to be covered then the first is listed and “&c” added. Volume 2 has a place name index at the end of the entries. The backs of the first two volumes were used to list Meeting House certificates issued and these have been indexed separately. |
NRO ref Box X6757/8 Misc QS 293