A series of
Photograph Albums
on a variety of subjects
Northamptonshire Villages
Our Neighbours
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Copyright Statement: The images and text used on this site are published in good faith and are the copyright of acknowledged holders or of Rushden & District History Society, acting within its own right or with the permission of donors and contributors. If anyone has a specific issue over an image or article, they should contact the Society immediately so that the matter can be resolved. The Society encourages the use of the text and images for personal and educational work and is prepared to waive its copyright in these circumstances. The Society reserves all its rights with regard to commercial reproduction. However, requests for the use of Society images in commercial publications will be given sympathetic consideration.
March 31st 2009: Since its launch in April 2007, this site has had 80,827 unique visitors and has been bookmarked 18,251 times. In March 8,106 people visited the site and viewed 55,859 pages.
July 31st 2012: This month we had 7,474 unique visitors who made 13,384 visits to our website, and they viewed 45,771 pages. There are now over 12,000 pages for you to view.
The Society gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the
Heritage Lottery Fund in the creation and development of this site.