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Working Mens' Club

Rushden Echo and Argus, 9th May 1947, transcribed by Kay Collins

Working Men’s Club Outing
Members of Chelveston Working Men’s Club were guests of Higham Ferrers Working Men’s Club at a social evening recently. Darts and skittles were played, and the home team were successful in both events.

Entertainment was provided by Miss Buckby, of Raunds (pianist), and Mr Smith, Mr L Palmer, Mrs H Frankham, and Mrs Smith (soloists). Mr A Freeman was chairman.

Darts or Skittles team c 1950?
WMC team
Back row: Walt Bridge, Douglas Smith, Cliff Baxter, Bill Boyce,
Sid Rollings, Rod Eady, Horace Barnett
Front: Joe Sauntson & Bill Parsler

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