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Edith Opens Village Hall - June 1978

Newton Bromswold Memorial Hall
The Memorial Hall

Fund raising for a new village hall began in 1976 and it took two years to raise the £9,000 required.
The building work took six months and then the old hall was demolished to provide car parking space.

Outside the hall just before Edith declared it "open"
Mrs Cicily Harris & Mrs Edith Mills
Villagers and Court Estate residents were joined by Higham Ferrers Councillor Mrs. Gwen Murdin, the Chairman of East Northants Council Councillor Harold Binder, and the Architect Mr. David Walker, to see Mrs. Edith Mills perform the opening.

Mrs. Mills of Court Estate had been very active in the village for many years as an active church worker, organist, whist drive organiser and member of the Court Estate & Newton Bromswold Women's Institute which had been active in the fund raising.

Kim Perry presented Mrs. Mills with a bouquet and Laura Haskins presented her with a brooch, before a plaque was unveiled. Mrs. Cicily Harris gave a speech to thank all the helpers.The hall has an assembly room, lobby, store room, toilets and fitted kitchen.

A sponsored walk was arranged for June 28th, plant and coffee evenings, and a gymkhana will help to raise funds for the final fittings.

Warrington - Watford

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