Particulars and Conditions of Sale, with Plans,
Of Valuable
Freehold Trade Properties
Licensed Houses, Dwelling-Houses, and Cottages,
Building and Accommodation Lands.
(Jointly concerned on this occasion) Are favoured with instructions from
The Right Hon. EARL FlTZWILLIAM, D.S.O., K.C.V.O..
At the St. Mary's Parish Rooms, Midland Road, Higham Ferrers,
On Thursday, May 7th, 1914
Commencing at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon precisely.
Copies of those Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained from FRANK BROOKE, Esq., Coolattin Estate Office, Shillelagh, County Wicldow, Ireland; Mr. E. S. TETT, Sub-agent, Estate Office, Wansford, Norths.; Fox & VERGETTE, Auctioneers, Peterborough; JOHN S. MASON, Auctioneer, Rushden; or from SIMPSON & MASON, Solicitors, Higham Ferrers.
Special Stipulations
To be deemed part of the Conditions of Sale.
1.The Sale is subject to existing tenancies, easements and rights of way. The Leases to Messrs. Allsopp & Sons, Ltd., of The "Green Dragon" Hotel, and The "Queen's Head" Inn and The "Griffin" Inn, and the Agreements with the Tenants, can be inspected at the Offices of Messrs. Simpson & Mason, Solicitors, Higham Ferrers, by appointment.
2.Such fixtures and fittings as belong to the Vendor are included in the Sale.
3.The Plans, Particulars and Schedules are believed to be correct, but their accuracy is not in any way guaranteed, and no claim can be admitted for errors or discrepancies.
4.The Plans are enlarged from the Ordnance Survey Plan (Revised). They are provided for purposes of identification only.
5.The boundary walls, where marked with a "T" on the Plan, are to belong to the Lot on which such mark appears.
6.Where the buildings on two Lots adjoin each other, the walls between such adjoining buildings are party walls, unless otherwise marked on the Plan.
7.The Poor Rate on the Cottage property has usually been paid by the Vendor. The outgoings as stated in the Particulars of Sale are believed to be correct.
8.The Auctioneers reserve the right to alter the order of or withdraw the whole or any Lot from the Sale.
The attention of Investors is invited to this excellent opportunity of acquiring very desirable Properties.
In this Sale are Licensed Houses, including one of the most noted and popular hostelries in the district (The "Green Dragon" Hotel), Shops and Residences in the Market Square and principal streets; Residences and Cottages spread over the Town and some very fine Factory Sites and Accommodation Lands, a varied class of investment being thus offered that seldom occurs.
Higham Ferrers has a magnificent Water Supply derived from the Sywell Reservoir of the Higham Ferrers and Rushden Joint Water Board. An excellent and cheap Gas service supplied for lighting, cooking and power purposes by the Rushden and Higham Ferrers District Gas Company, and the mains of the Rushden and District Electric Supply Company, Limited, have been laid in a considerable portion of the town.
The railway service is also very good, the Midland Railway Company's Station being practically in the centre of the town.
Higham Ferrers is one of the most ancient English Boroughs, named in Doomsday Book "Heckham." The earliest existing Charter is dated Philip and Mary, 1557, though the Borough was most probably first incorporated in the reign of King John, who several times visited the Borough, and a fairly complete list of Mayors can be compiled from about the year 1370.
The Parish Church, dedicated to St. Mary, was formerly Collegiate,
and is one of the finest churches in the County of Northampton. The building of the church was commenced in the year 1220 and was enlarged in 1290, finally reaching its present magnificent proportions in the year 1340.
The notable miserere seats in the chancel were inserted in about the year 1422 at the foundation of the College.
Higham Ferrers is the birthplace of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Camterbury, and there still exist striking evidences of his munificence.
The Bede House and the Chapel situate in the Churchyard were both his foundations. Chichele College, of which only a portion now remains, was built and endowed in A.D. 1422, and with other Monastic Institutions of the Country was swept away by Henry VIII in the year 1542. And in a great many other respects, far too numerous to mention, Higham Ferrers is a place of much historical interest.
It is also situate in the heart of a great manufacturing and mining industry.
Particulars - Lots 1 to 10
North End, Station Road
Lot 1
(Coloured PINK on Plan No. 1)
All Those
Fourteen Freehold Cottages
Part stone, part brick, built with w.c.'s, and buildings and appurtenances belonging to same, comprising Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 19, NORTH END, as now in the respective occupations of Messrs. Pack, Miller, Parker, Parish, Cox and Baxter, and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, KENNEL ROW, NORTH END, as now occupied by Messrs, and Mesdames Adams, Mayes, Brooks, Wills, Holmes, Newell and Parker. The Houses vary as to accommodation and there is a large area of Orchard and Garden Land let to the tenant of No. 17, North End, and there is also a separate Garden with a frontage to Station Road occupied by Mr. Hands.
This Lot contains in area la. 0r. 13 p., or thereabouts, has modern drainage and sanitary accommodation, and is connected with the public water supply.
Gross Annual Rent, £60 5s. 0d.
Land Tax, £1 12s. 0d.
North End
Lot 2 (Coloured BLUE on Plan No. 1)
All That
Freehold Close of Accommodation Pasture Land
Situate at the corner of the BACK LANE and KING'S MEADOW LANE and adjoining lands belonging to the Duchy of Lancaster on the south and west, as the same is now in the occupation of Mr. H. Smith. It is No. 121 on the Ordnance Survey Plan, and contains thereby 1 a. 1r. 17p.
Net Annual Rent, £5 0s. 0d.
Land Tax -
College Street
Lot 3
(Coloured BLUE on Plan No. 1)
All That
Piece or Parcel of Freehold Building Land
Situate on the East side of COLLEGE STREET, bounded an the North by the property of the Athletic Club and Institute and on the South by land recently sold to Mrs. A. E. Lloyd, as the same is now occupied as Gardens by Messrs. J. H. Kilsby and J. Kilsby, and is let with part of Lot 5.
This Lot has a frontage of 125 feet to College Street, and contains in area 1,350 square yards, or thereabouts.
Net Annual Rent, Nil.
Land Tax -
College Street
Lot 4
(Coloured PINK on Plan No. 1)
All Those
Three Modern Brick and Blue-slated Freehold Dwelling-houses
Nos. 30, 32 and 34, COLLEGE STREET, with the Orchard, Gardens, Outbuildings and appurtenances belonging to same, as now in the respective occupations of Messrs. Powell, Fox and Pack.
Each House contains Front Room, Entrance Passage, good Living Room, Three Bedrooms, Pantry, Coal Place and w.c., with Paved Yards and Gardens at the rear.
This Lot contains in area 1,480 square yards or thereabouts, has modern drainage, and the public water supply is laid on.
Gross Annual Rent of Houses, £42 10s. 0d. Net Annual Rent of Orchard, 1 15s. 0d.
Land Tax, £1 0s. 11d.
N.B.A right of way is reserved to the owners of the adjoining property on the South, as shown upon the Plan.
In College Street & Cemetery Lane
Lot 5
(Coloured BLUE on Plan No. 1)
All Those
Five Stone-built Freehold Cottages (Part tiled and part newly thatched),
Nos. 23, 25 and 27, COLLEGE STREET, and Nos. 1 and 2, CEMETERY LANE, as the same are now in the respective occupations of Messrs. J. Kilsby, H. Kilsby, Miss Home, C. Charles and W. Pettitt, with a large area of Garden Land adjoining.
The Cottages vary as to accommodation.
This Lot has a frontage to College Street of 104 ft. 6 inches and a frontage to Cemetery Lane of 260 ft., and contains in total area, 2,250 square yards or thereabouts. The property has modern drainage and sanitary accommodation, and the public water supply is connected to stand pipes.
The large Garden is let with the Cottage occupied by W. Pettitt and the small Garden with the Cottage occupied by C. Charles.
Gross Annual Rental, £35 0s. 0d.
Land Tax, 17s. 6d.
Midland Road
Lot 6
(Coloured PINK on Plan No. 1)
All That
Valuable Freehold Building Land or Factory Sites
Situate at the corner of MIDLAND ROAD and KIMBOLTON ROAD, with extensive frontages to each, and also to the Midland Railway Line, which it adjoins on the East, being a portion of field numbered 168 on the Ordnance Survey Plan (1900 Edition), the remainder being disposed of, and Factories built thereon.
This Lot has a frontage to Midland Road of 470 feet or thereabouts, and to Kimbolton Road of 395 feet or thereabouts, and contains in area 3 a. 1 r. 0p. or thereabouts.
The Main Sewer, Water Mains and Gas Mains are all laid in Midland Road and Kimbolton Road.
The Land is leased to Messrs. Allsopps & Sons, Ltd., with Lot 11, until Michaelmas, 1918.
Net Annual Rent (apportioned for purposes of sale), £5 0s. 0d.
Land Tax Redeemed.
In College Street
Lot 7
(Coloured BLUE on Plan No. 2)
All Those
Two Stone and Thatched Freehold Cottages
Nos. 15 and 17, College Street, as now in the respective occupations of Messrs. Parker and Smith, each containing Two Living Rooms, Two Bedrooms, w.c., Gardens and Outhouses.
This Lot has a frontage to College Street of 63 feet or thereabouts, and the property has modem sanitary accommodation, and the Public Water Supply is laid on.
Gross Annual Rent, £8 15s. 0d.
Land Tax, 6s. 9d.
In College Street
Lot 8
(Coloured PINK on Plan No. 2)
All That
Freehold Dwelling-house and Shop
No. 11, COLLEGE STREET, as now in the occupation of Mr. J. E. Smith, Cycle Agent, Motor and Hot Water Engineer, comprising:
The Stone and Tiled Dwelling-house, containing Front Shop with show window, Living Room, Sitting Room, Five Bedrooms and Attic, and Kitchen and w.c.; Yard and Garden at the rear, with a good brick and slated Workshop, and a roadway 10 feet wide to the Back Lane.
This Lot contains in area, 938 square yards, or thereabouts. The property has modern drainage and sanitary accommodation, and the public water supply is laid on.
Net Annual Rent, £21 0s. 0d.
Land Tax, 11s. 4d.
In College Street
Lot 9
(Coloured BLUE on Plan No. 2.)
Trade Property All that Freehold Stone-Built Dwelling-house (Part tiled and part blue slated),
Containing Butcher's Shop, Entrance Hall, good Dining and Drawing Rooms, Five Bedrooms (all above, on the front), Bathroom, Kitchen, Larder and Coalplace, with large Yard having wide entrance from the Street, and extending to the Back Lane, from which there is also an entrance, stone and tiled Stable, Harness House, Trap House, Workshops, large Barn and registered Slaughter House, enclosed Garden, etc., as the same is now mainly occupied by Mr. H. R. Thompson, and partly (so far as the Workshop is concerned), by Mr. K. Flintham.
This Lot has a frontage to College Street of 102 feet, and contains a total area of 3,250 square yards, or thereabouts, and the property has modern drainage and is connected with the public water supply.
Net Annual Rent (apportioned for purpose of Sale),
Mr. H. R. Thompson £26 0s. 0d.
Mr. K. Flintham £5 0s. 0d.
Land Tax, 14s. 2d.
N.B.The Purchaser of this Lot will be required to build up the opening in the Workshop between this Lot and the adjoining property recently sold to Mr. T. Browning, and to block up the lights overlooking Lot 12.
In The Back Lane
Lot 10
(Coloured PINK on Plan No. 2)
All that
Freehold Accommodation Grass Paddock,
As now in the occupation of Mr. H. R. Thompson, and situate opposite the back entrance to Lot 9 as the same is numbered 178 on the Ordnance Survey Plan (1900 Edition), and contains thereby 1a. 0r. 32p.
The Paddock is well situated, with a good frontage to the backway.
Net Annual Rent (apportioned for purpose of sale), £6 0s. 0d.
Land Tax (apportioned for purpose of sale), 2s. 6d.
Market Square looking North
Market Square looking South
Lot 1
Lot 5
Lot 11
Lot 13
Lot 15
Lot 17
Lots 19 & 20
Lot 24
Lots 29 & 32
Pencil Notes added the the Sale Catalogue
Lot No.
Note |
Name |
Freehold Land Society |
reserved |
J Clark |
Browning |
F Smith |
reserved |
reserved |
J Pendered |
German |
passed |
passed |
passed |
Horrell |
Perkins |
passed |
passed |
passed |
Patenall |
passed |
passed |
passed |
passed |
passed |
passed |
F Parker |