Rushden Echo & Argus, 4th February 1938, transcribed by Kay Collins
Borough of Higham Ferrers Demolition of Houses The Council of the Borough of Higham Ferrers invite TENDERS for the DEMOLITION and CLEARANCE of the Houses and Buildings in Town Yard and Hind Style, Higham Ferrers, comprised in the Borough of Higham Ferrers Nos. 9, 10, and 11 Clearance Areas.
Specification and Forms of Tender may be obtained from Mr A E Lloyd, Borough Surveyor, Town Hall, Higham Ferrers.
Tenders, in sealed envelopes, endorsed “Demolition” to be returned to the undersigned not later than 12 o’clock noon on Wednesday the 23rd February, 1938.
The Council does not bind itself to accept any tender.
Dated this 29th day of January 1938.
F Joseph Simpson, Town Clerk
Town Clerk’s Office,
Higham Ferrers.