Wellingborough News, 4th February 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
with Consumption of Wheat, Barley, and Bean STRAW, MANGOLD WURTZEL, &c.,
BY Messrs. Pendered and Son
UPON the farm premises of the Green Dragon Hotel, Higham Ferrers, on Friday, 10th Feb., 1882, in the following or such other Lots as may be determined upon, and Subject to such Conditions as will be then produced:
LOT 1Two good sheltered YARDS, with use of Hovels and small Barn, and consumption of about 40 Acres of STRAW, and 12 Tons of MANGOLD WURTZEL.
LOT 2A good sheltered YARD, with use of Hovel and Cow-houses, about 30 Acres of STRAW, and about 12 Tons of MANGOLD WURTZEL.
Men provided to Fodder Stock, &c.
Company to meet at the Green Dragon Hotel, Higham Ferrers, at Three p.m.
Wellingborough News, 1st April 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
To BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY Messrs. Pendered and Son,
ON Thursday, 6th April, 1882, upon the premises of Mr. George Slater, of Higham Ferrers Lodge (who is leaving), viz.:
BEAST: 2 Cows in full profit, 2 down-calving Cows, 1 in-calf Cow, 5 two-year-old Steers, 1 ditto Heifer, and 4 Calves.
HORSES: Roan Horse, Captain, 5 years old; ditto, Trooper, 4 years old; grey Mare, Bonny, 8 years old; brown Horse, Sharper, 5 years old; roan Horse, Turpin, 6 years old; roan mare, Flower, aged; bay Mare, Blossom, aged; and a superior cart Mare, 3 years old.
HOGS: 12 strong stores, and an in-pig Sow.
POULTRY: About 80 head.
DEAD STOCK Oil-cake breaker, weighing machine, turnip cutter, root pulper, chaff cutter, winnowing machine and barn tackle, corn drill with manure box for ditto, ploughs, harrows, horse hoes, dairy vessels, salting leads, set of gig harness, 6 sets of cart harness, saddle and bridle, and other farming implements.
The Beast are well bred and the Horses a very superior team, and capital workers.
Also the following HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS5 Bedsteads and hangings, mahogany bureau, 12 cane-seated chairs and 2 elbows, mahogany dining table, sofa in chintz cover, 2 large chests, wash stands and services, corner cupboard, mangle, 2 flower stands, clothes horses, a single perambulator, &c.
Sale to commence with the Farming Stock at Twelve noon, Household Effects at about Three p.m.
N.B.The place of Sale is about half-a-mile from he town of Higham Ferrers, on the Newton-road.
Wellingborough News, 20th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
SALE OF PROPERTY On Monday last Mr. F. W. Abbott sold by auction, at the Green Dragon Inn, three freehold cottages in Spring Gardens for £215 to Mr. E. B. Randall.
Wellingborough News, 3rd March 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
Messrs. Pendered and Son
ON Monday, 5th March, 1883, upon the premises at the Green Dragon Hotel, comprising:
BAR32 ale goblets, 44 wine glasses, 11 wine decanters, tumblers, nip glasses, clarets, earthern casks, brass taps, 10 pewter measures, 8-day English timepiece, door porter, spittoons, &c.
FURNITURE, &c.Oval claw table, 2 long deal tables, 6 and 1 elbow mahogany chairs, easy chairs, painted wardrobe, fenders, cane-seated chairs, about 20 yards of cocoa matting, druggeting, 2 iron bedsteads, 4 feather beds, bolsters and pillows, palliasses, mattresses, washstands and dressing tables, chests of drawers, sitz bath, slipper bath, mahogany toilet glasses, high-back chair, tea table, copper warming pan, 20 Windsor chairs, elbow chair, 20 black-handled knives, 18 white-handled knives, two carvers, 2 steels, forks, 12 plated forks, 5 plated dessert spoons, table and tea spoons, butcher's block, old brassware, bushel measure, water tub, and other effects.
Sale to commence at Twelve o'clock, noon.
Wellingborough News, 19th January 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins
Messrs. Pendered and Son
ARE instructed by Mr. H. Clarke, who is declining business, to SELL BY AUCTION, on Thursday, 31st January, 1884, the whole of his extensive Stock-in-Trade and other effects.
Full particulars next week.
Wellingborough News, 14th June 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins
Two useful Cart Horses, 2 Coal Carts, powerful Dray, Dog Cart (by Wilson), 2 sets Harness, Saddle and Bridle, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Patent Washing Machines, Patent Mangle, Lawn Mower, large quantity of choice Plants in pots, part of the valuable Household FURNITURE, and other effects,
William Dolby,
ON Monday, 30th June, 1884, on the premises of Mr. W. J. Lamb, Corn Merchant, &c., of Higham Ferrers, who is leaving the neighbourhood. The sale to commence at 11 o'clock. For further particulars see posting bills.
Wellingborough News, 11th March 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins
F. S. Abbott,
ON Monday, 28th March, 1887, at Higham Ferrers Lodge, the whole of the Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, the property of Mr. Jos. Nicholls, who is leaving. Full particulars by future advertisements, bills, &c.
Wellingborough News, 25th March 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins
19 BEAST, 7 Cart HORSES, 1 half-bred Horse, in-pig Sow,
20 head of POULTRY, Farm IMPLEMENTS, and sundry FURNITURE,
ON Monday, 28th March, 1887, upon the premises at Higham Ferrers Lodge, in the occupation of Mr. Jos. Nichols, who is leaving.
BEASTTwo cows, in-calf-in-profit, 15 young beast and calves, HORSESBrown mare, "Diamond," 3 years old, in-foal to Mr. T. Nichols' horse; brown mare, "Blossom,"10 years old, in-foal to ditto, brown mare, "Brown," 6 years old ; black horse, "Boxer," 6 years old; bay mare, 4 years old.
POULTRY About 20 head of poultry, in lots.
IMPLEMENTS Three carts, with copses complete; double furrow plough (Baker), single ditto (Howard), single ditto (Ball), reaper (Hornby's Progress), water cart, drag harrows, set 3-horse barrows, set 2-horse ditto, 2 horse hoes, harness, pulper, dressing machine (Cooch), sackbarrow, weighing machine and weights (Avery), cake breaker, bean mill, 2 wheelbarrows, 2 horse cribs, 4 iron pig troughs, rick cloth, long and short ladders, 4½ doz. hurdles, cow ties, ropes, drags, skips, scuttles, forks, rakes, tools, hen coops, together with several lots of household furniture. Tinkler's patent churn, milk tins, and a variety of dairy utensils.
THE PROPERTY OF MR. J. SHELTONBay cart mare, "Bonny," 6 years old; black horse, aged; bay half-bred colt, 4 years old; in-calf cow, heifer, in-pig sow, 2 carts, plough, set harrows, harness, 2 cow cribs, pig troughs, sheep ditto, sackbarrow, 2 corn bins, &c., &c. Sale at 12 for 1 o'clock.
Wellingborough & Kettering News 03/05/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown
DUCHY LANDIt is rumoured that the council of the Duchy of Lancaster have intimated to the Town Council their intention to sell the frontages on either side of the road from Higham Ferrers Station to the town.
Wellingborough & Kettering News 31/01/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown
PROPERTY SALEOn Monday last, Mr. J. J. Coulbeck offered for sale by auction at the Green Dragon Hotel, Higham Ferrers, freehold houses and building land. The sale created a large amount of interest, the room being well filled. Lot 1, three houses and butcher's shop in High-street, was put up at £400 and after brisk bidding was knocked down to Mr. Fred Parker for £690. Lot 2, freehold land in Back-street, realised 4s. 7d. per square yard, Mr. Patenall being the purchaser. Lot 3, the land adjoining lot 2 realized 6s. 2d. per square yard, Mr. Cox being the purchaser. Lot 4, ditto adjoining lot 3 was knocked down to the same purchaser at 5s. 10d. per square yard. The above figures represent aconsiderable advance in the property market. Mr. W. Hirst Simpson, of Higham Ferrers, acted for the vendor.
Wellingborough & Kettering News 21/02/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown
Situate in Commercial-street, Higham Ferrers
Mr. J. J. Coulbeck,
At the Green Dragon Hotel, Higham Ferrers, on Monday, Feb. 24th, 1890, at, Four o’cIock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, and in one or more Lots as may be determined upon at the time of Sale:-
All those Three New Brick-built and Slated DWELLING-HOUSES, having a frontage altogether of 45 feet (or thereabouts) to Commercial-street, Higham Ferrers, with the Outbuildings and appurtenances thereto, in the several occupations of Messrs. Lawrence, Bailey, and Middleton, at gross annual rents amounting to £37 14s.
The above premises are most eligibly situated, and always command good tenants.
The Land Tax is redeemed.
A reasonable portion of the purchase money can, if desired, remain on mortgage.
To View, apply to the respective Tenants; and for further particulars to Mr. CHARLES NORMAN, of Higham Ferrers (the owner), the Auctioneer, or to
Solicitors, Wellingborough.
Wellingborough News, 19th September 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins
Higham Ferrers
Queen's Head Hotel
Mr. J. J. Coulbeck
WILL SELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday, Sept. 30th, 1890, on the above premises,
the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Effects of the late Mrs. Hannah Lamb.
For particulars see bills and future advertisements.
Auctioneer's Offices:
Wellingborough and Higham Ferrers.
Wellingborough & Kettering News 03/04/1891, transcribed by Peter Brown
IMPORTANT PROPERTY SALE AT HIGHAM FERRERSMessrs. Pendered and Son held the most important auction sale that has taken place at Higham Ferrers for many years past at the “Green Dragon” on Thursday evening last. The great need of Higham Ferrers has been the acquisition of land for building purposes, and the wish of the public has often been expressed that eligible land might be obtained. Owing to the fact, however, that nearly all the land suitable for building was practically owned by the representatives of Mr. Fitzwilliam, it has not been possible to acquire land in any quantity. About twelve months ago Messrs Burnham, Son, and Lewin, of Wellingborough, (the local solicitors of the Duchy of Lancaster) represented to the Duchy that inasmuch as the lease of the Duchy land would expire at Ladyday 1891, it would be very beneficial to Higham Ferrers and the neighbourhood if the Duchy would offer a portion of their estates for sale in building plots. The matter was favourably entertained and the Chancellor of the Duchy directed a sale to take place as soon as the lease (which had existed over 100 years) expired. This long leasehold term expired on Wednesday evening last, and the advisers of the Duchy having-made all previous arrangements were in a position to proceed to auction on the following evening. A very large and highly-respectable company met the auctioneers, and as will be seen from the subjoined statement, the result of the auction was most gratifying, every lot at Higham Ferrers having been sold. We understand that it is the intention of the Duchy to take immediate steps to open up the lands adjoining the portion sold in building plots, and to this end roads and sewers will be made under the superintendence of Messrs. Talbot Brown and Fisher, architects of Wellingborough.
Wellingborough News, 10th October 1902, transcribed by Kay Collins
Monday Next.
SEWAGE FARM, Higham Ferrers.
To be sold by Auction by
Oct. 13th, 1902, on the Sewage Farm, by order of the Town Council,
about 3 acres of MANGOLDS, and about 2¾ acres of CARROTS, all very heavy crops.
Company please meet the Auctioneer at the Sewage Farm at Four p.m. prompt.
Rushden Argus, 20th March 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins
Spring Gardens Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire,
14 Valuable Freehold Dwelling-Houses with large Gardens thereto belonging.
Is favoured with instructions from the Exors. of John Crew, Esq., to Sell by Auction, on Thursday, April 2nd, 1914, in one lot, at the Green Dragon Hotel, Higham Ferrers, at 7 o'clock in the Evening precisely, and subject to such Conditions of Sale as will then be produced.
ALL those 8 FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES situate and being Nos. 19 to 26, Spring Gardens, of brick and slate erection, and each containing front room, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, barn, and the usual domestic offices, and now in the occupation of Messrs. Rawlins, Layrum, Flintham, and others.
Also all those 6 DWELLING-HOUSES situate and being Nos. 13 to 18, Spring Gardens, and adjoining the last-named property, of brick and tile erection, each containing front room, living room, 2 bedrooms, and the usual domestic offices, and now in the occupation of Messrs. Biggs, Nottingham, Hollman, and others.
The whole of the above houses produce a gross rental of £143 8s. 8d. per annum.
The Houses, being so centrally situate, and each having a large allotment attached, are a very desirable property and are never likely to be vacant; they offer an excellent opportunity for investment.
They are connected with the main sewer, and the town water is laid on.
Land Tax 19s. 2d. per annum.
To view apply upon the property, and for further particulars to the Auctioneer, 30, High-street, Rushden, or to
Messrs. Simpson and Mason, Solicitors,
Higham Ferrers.
Rushden Echo, 27th September 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
At The Manor Farm, Higham Ferrers, yesterday Messrs. Pendered and Son Ltd., sold by auction a quantity of valuable live and dead stock farming stock, dairy utensils, poultry appliances, etc., by order of Mr. G. F. Jury, who is leaving the neighbourhood. The lots included 39 beasts and 125 sheep.
The Rushden Echo Friday 30th May 1919, transcribed by Susan Manton
Sale of an Inn - Messrs. Pendered and Son Ltd offered by auction at Wellingborough on Wednesday evening “The Chequers Inn” Higham Ferrers, by order of the executors of the late Mrs. Veni Cox. Bidding for the lot which includes extensive yard and stabling, commenced at £1000 and the purchaser was Mr. Herbert Dulley for £1,530. Messrs Simpson and Mason were the solicitors.
1923 W F Simmons |
Rushden Echo & Argus, 5th February 1932, transcribed by Kay Collins
Thursday Next
Church House, Market Square,
Higham Ferrers
Valuable Household Furniture,
Linen, Blankets, Pianoforte,
and Other Effects
Robert Tusting
(Successor to Mr John S Mason)
Favoured with instructions from the Trustees
of the late Mr Walter Spong
Will Sell the Above by Auction
On Thursday, 11th February 1932
Including:- Pianoforte in Rosewood Case, Oak Bureau with Oak Cupboard over, Mahogany Cheffonier with Bookcase over, 8-day Grandfather Clock in Oak and Mahogany Case, Mahogany Kneehole Desk, Chesterfield Settee, Couch, Easy Chairs in Morocco, 2 Arm Chairs in Velvet, Oil Paintings, Pictures, Ornaments, 2 Mahogany and 2 Iron Bedsteads, Mahogany Oak and Painted Chests, 2 Night Commodes, 2 Wardrobes, Dressing Chest and Washstand, Linen, Blankets, Curtains, E.P. Tea and Coffee Service, Axminster, Brussels and Kidder Carpets, Skin Rug, Deal Tables, Dinner and Tea Services, Glass Ware, Culinary requisites, 9” Lawn Mower, 2 Ladders and Miscellaneous effects.
Sale to Commence 11.30 prompt.
On View Wednesday 10th February 1932, 12 to 4.30 p.m.
Catalogues may be obtained from the Auctioneer.
Auctioneer’s Offices: 30 High-street, Rushden.
Rushden Echo & Argus, 10th March 1950, transcribed by Kay Collins
Property Sale at Rushden A large company was present on Tuesday at the Queen Victoria Hotel, Rushden, when No. 30, College St., Higham Ferrers, was sold for £1,090, and No. 51, Grove St., Higham, was sold for £1,270, both with vacant possession. The auctioneer was Mr. John L. Wilson, of Rushden, Wellingborough and Kettering.
Sale by Auction 1972 - Swindall, Pendered & Atkins sold these two old properties on 15th September 1972 at 3pm at the Green Dragon Hotel.
Pear Tree Cottage, 22 College Street, was known to
have a pear growing on the north wall in 1838, and
had lately belonged to Dr S D Reiley.
2-4 High Street, formerly a gentleman’s hairdresser’s,
with a cottage, was sold by Miss P Rial.
Listed Building Class II.
This property has a datestone 1709. It had lounge, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, with separate access to Doctor’s surgery with waiting room, and a garage behind. Outside access to a fourth bedroom by covered staircase.
The cottage has two Raunds brick fireplaces, one in the Hall/Diner, the other in the lounge, and three bedrooms. The shop occupies one room with separate access.