Rushden Echo & Argus, 28th August 1942, transcribed by Kay Collins
Captured by Italian News for Young Wife Announced in the “Echo and Argus” a fortnight ago to be “missing” in the Middle East, Trooper Percival John Watts (21), of the Royal Tank Regiment has now been reported a Prisoner-of-war and is stated to be in Italian hands. The news arrived from the War Office last Friday.
Formerly employed at Messrs. John White’s Shirley-road factory as a finisher, Trooper Watts has been in the Army about 18 months and soon after he joined up was married to Miss E. Johnson, of Bozeat, who is now living at 14 Hope-street. Mr. and Mrs. C. Watts, his parents, live at “Rochdale,” Bryant Way, Higham Ferrers.
Rushden Echo, 1st January 1943, transcribed by Kay Collins
Dunkirk and Africa - War Record of Missing Rushden Soldier News that her husband, Corporal George Dowsett, is reported missing, believed wounded, during fighting in North Africa has been received by Mrs Dowsett, of 1, Newman-street, Higham Ferrers.
Corpl. Dowsett, whose parents reside at 57 Sartoris-road, Rushden, joined the Northamptonshire regiment in July 1939, and has seen service in France, being in the Dunkirk epic. Prior to joining up he was employed by Messrs B Denton and Son, boot manufacturers, Rushden. He was married to Miss Joyce Boxall, of Higham Ferrers, twelve months ago.
Rushden Echo, 28th January 1944, transcribed by Peter Brown
Friends Meet In Hospital Mr and Mrs J. Lynn, of 11, Milton-street Higham Ferrers, have received an airmail from their son Leslie, who is a cook in a hospital with the C.M.F., in which he says he has met Don Newell, another Service man who used to live only a few houses away from him.
Leslie Lynn writes: "I have some good news. I always, when possible, look down the admission list, and when I saw D. Newell, off I went to the ward and there was old Don. He nearly jumped out of bed. Now you may want to know what is the matter with him. I really can't say, but sure he isn't wounded, and he looked O.K.not quite as fat, but O.K. for us who have been in the desert."
Visiting his friend again later, he took him some English cigarettes and a mincemeat tart "as large as a dinner plate."

Leslie is in his fifth year of Army life and has been abroad for two years. He has two other brothers in the Forces overseas, Arthur (Army) in India, and Owen (R.A.F) in Australia.
The Rushden Echo and Argus, 9th June 1944, transcribed by Kay Collins
Dangerously Ill - Anxiety For Young Higham Ferrers Soldier News that their son, Pte. Raymond Line, of the Royal West Kents, is dangerously ill with meningitis, reached Mr. and Mrs. W. Line, of 66, Wharf-road, Higham Ferrers, from the War Office on Tuesday morning.
Pte. Line is nearly 20 years of age and has been serving in the Central Mediterranean zone. He attended Higham Ferrers Council School and afterwards worked for Messrs Taylor Woodrow, joining the Army in November, 1942, and going abroad last November. His father was in the Army during the last war, serving for four years in France and Italy.
Rushden Echo & Argus, 14th July 1944, transcribed by Kay Collins
News of P.O.W. Camp Broadcast A Liverpool resident named F Riley writes to Mrs E N Lewis, of 77 Wharf-road, Higham Ferrers, to say that a list of messages which were broadcast from a P.O.W. camp on June 16th contained the following from her son: “Hello Mother, I am in the best of health. Have received many of your letters. Please do not worry and remember me to all.”
Mrs Lewis’ son, Ronald Lewis, is a prisoner of war in Japanese hands.
Rushden Echo & Argus, 24th November 1944, transcribed by Kay Collins
Won Commission and Wing - Higham Man Qualified as Navigator
Mr. and Mrs. L. Clifton, of the “Green Dragon” Hotel, Higham Ferrers, heard last Saturday that their eldest son, Lawrence has gained his commission and gained his wing as navigator, in Canada.
Pilot Officer Clifton is [22] years of age. He had been in the service for almost two years when he went to Canada in March of this year. Educated at Wellingborough School, he was afterwards an apprentice of the …. Railway at Derby and joined the Derby A.T.C.