Rushden Echo & Argus, 9th January 1948, transcribed by Kay Collins
Council Opposes Water Plan - Higham to Appeal Against Order A step towards the defence of the Higham Ferrers and Rushden water undertaking against the threat of inclusion in the Pitsford scheme was taken by the Higham Ferrers Town Council at its meeting on Monday. On the proposition of Coun. A. C. A. Colton. seconded by Coun. E. J. Rowlett, it was agreed that Mr. John J. MacIntyre, Parliamentary agent, should lodge the Council's appeal against the Mid-Northamptonshire Water Board draft Order. The Council, he said, had already lodged a protest, as had Rushden Council and the Higham Ferrers and Rushden Water Board. Wellingborough Urban Council and Wellingborough Rural District would also join in the appeal.
"We should not be included in this Order," said Mr. Colton, "but we are included, and it seems we shall have a difficult job to get out of it."
Referring to the authorities who had put the scheme forward, Mr. Colton declared: "It seems that what they are after is the rateable value rather than the water."
"It is very vital to see that we are not included in the scheme" said Coun. D. Walker.
Coun. Walker and Coun. Colton were appointed to attend any meetings called in reference to the scheme.
Reporting on the receipt of a letter, from the Council House Tenants' Association regarding the Chichele Street footpath, the Housing Committee recorded their decision to "pass on to the next business."
Coun. Lawrence, who is an officer of the Tenants' Association, asked why no discussion took place on the letter.
"It was felt" replied Coun. Frisby, "that the contract is between the Council and the individual tenant. It has been a very happy arrangement in the past, and we hope it will continue to be so. We prefer to deal directly with the tenants."
Coun. Upton, white not disagreeing with this view, said he would like to see something done about the footpath, which was in a terrible state.
Coun. D. Walker replied that the path was now ready for completing with slabs, and this would begin as soon as the footpath in Wharf Road was completed.
Coun. Frisby announced that the Ministry of Health had authorised the Council to negotiate for the erection of 12 further houses on the High Street estate.
Messrs. T. Swindall and Son were being invited to contract for four houses, Messrs. R. Marriott for four, Messrs. Brown and Stokes for two, and Mr. F. Sutcliffe for two.
The Council had 90 houses under construction or allocated to builders. The further 12 would give them 102 sanctioned, and of these 40 were let.
Better playing facilities for lads at the Recreation Ground were urged by Coun. Upton.
"We have provided sporting facilities for most people,'' he said, "but the young lads have only a rough bit for themselves."
"When the bowling green is laid out they will possibly feel jealous. I think we might ask for volunteer labour to level their piece, and I don't doubt that there are public-spirited men who would come forward. It seems a shame that the lads should have the worst of the lot."
The Mayor: I quite agree. The children have had a raw deal so far.
Coun. Colton: They are forbidden to play on the match field, but if they had a set of goalposts at one end it would give them a lot of pleasure.
The Mayor: Last Saturday morning they were using the trees in the Backway for goalposts, and the ball went into the street.
Ald. Barker said he did not think the boys had been turned off the match pitch. Children from the schools used the pitch during the week.
Following the election of the Food Control Committee, Coun. Colton expressed thanks to the members and declared: "We are pleased with our own Food Control Office, which is a great benefit to the town."
Ald. Patenall said the committee had functioned in a very able way, and he was sure the town was very satisfied.
Three births and one death were reported by the Medical Officer.
Special Meeting
The Highways Committee reported that they had arranged a special meeting to consider the sewage disposal scheme.
The tenant of No. 64a, Upper Kings Avenue, has complained of persons using his garden us a "short cut," and in consequence the Housing Committee agreed to improve the fence.
Windmill Banks tenants who make gaps in the hedges and exercise their dogs on the adjacent land were the subject of a complaint from the Duchy of Lancaster.
Building plans were as follows: Conversion of building into canteen, Messrs. A. E. Wright and Co.; garage at 25, High Street, Mr. P. H. Dexter; covering-in of cattle yard at Vine Hill Farm, Mr. W. Brown; temporary warehouse, High Street, Messrs. Herbert Glenn, Ltd.; pair of houses, Russell Way, Mr. E. Sutcliffe.
The Mayor, Coun. D. F. E. Walker and the Town Clerk were appointed to attend the next conference of local authorities to consider arrangements under the Fire Service Act.
A previous conference had asked for the largest possible representation of county districts on the management
Scheme to be set up by the County Council and for the fullest possible delegation functions to the Fire Brigade.
As a sequel to the abortive meeting at the Town Hall in November the Finance Committee recommended the Council to arrange a fuel economy publicity campaign "on a small scale." This was agreed to.
A letter from the Ministry of Works stated that the British Legion's application for a building licence would be reconsidered provided that volunteer labour was substituted for contractors' labour. There was also a letter from the Legion stating that they would provide volunteer labour.
The Mayor wished all councillors and inhabitants of the borough a happy and prosperous New Year. He also welcomed Coun. L. Lawrence who was attending his first Council meeting since his election last November.
Members in attendance were: the Mayor (Coun. F. G. Felce), the Deputy Mayor (Coun. A. C. A. Coiton), Ald. F. Walker, Ald. H. R. Patenall. C.C., Ald. J. W. Barker. Ald. J. E. Jeffs, Couns. R. Frisby, A. J. Keep, R. Kilsby, R. W. Abbott, E. J. Rowlett, F. J. Lambert, S. Upton, D. F. E. Walker, J. S. Brown and L. Lawrence.