By the Act of the 35th Geo III c.49. passed on
the 30th of April, 1795, imposing a Duty on
Certificates issued for using Hair-Powder, S.16.
You are required, within three Days after the Receipt
of the annexed List, to cause a true and exact Copy
thereof to be affixed on the Church Door of your Parish,
and from Time to Time, when necessary, to replace the
same, for the Space of Four Weeks then next.
Every Person willfully tearing, defacing, or removing the
List to be fixed up, within the said Space of Four Weeks,
forfeits for every Offence, on Conviction before a Justice
of the Peace, Forty Shillings, Half of which goes to you,
and the other Half to the informer.
Clerk of the Peace
of the County of Northampton