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Transcribed by Shirley Denton, 2008
Yelden Methodist Chapel

The little chapel The date stone
The foundation stone laid in August 1884
The Chapel
Date Stone & Foundation stone


At the opening meeting of the trustees of the Yelden Methodist Chapel, (formerly Wesleyan Methodist in Higham Ferrers Circuit) duly covered according to the provisions of the Model deed and held in the Vestry of the Higham Ferrers Methodist Church on the 14th day of June 1949.

The Rev Joseph Wainwright Utley, superintendent minister in the chair. Present Harry Rollings Patenall and Wilfred Ernest Capon. The following 10 trustees having died, namely: John Henry Sanders, Thomas Patenall, George Henry Groome, Isaac Cunnington, Charles William Horrell, William Joseph Cave, Charles Cross, John Burt, George Tailby, William Pilling Orrell.

Resolved that it is expedient to appoint new trustees, and the following trustees being willing to continue in the Trusts:- namely Henry Rollings Patenall, Higham Ferrers, Leather Manufacturer, Wilfred Ernest Capon, Rushden, Boot Manufacturer,

John Pack, Higham Ferrers, Gentlemen, Frederick Arthur Baxter (died May 13th 1950) Swineshead, Gentleman,  Samuel Williamson, Riseley, Builder, and the following persons being members of the Methodist Church having been nominated. Resolved that the following persons be, and they are hereby appointed to be the Trustees of the Methodist Chapel and premises at Yelden in the Higham Ferrers Methodist Circuit, together with the said continuing Trustees namely:-

Charles Allestrie Espin Rushden Leather Merchant
Herbert William Miller Caldecote Farmer
Arthur George Larkinson Rushden Outfitter’s Manager
Leonard George Smith Rushden Clerk
Albert Ernest Spavins Rushden Baker
Frederick James Pack Higham Ferrers Leather Worker
Thomas Richard Thacker Higham Ferrers Boot Factory Manager
George Langley Irthlingborough Gentlemen
Edward Ernest Wood Higham Ferrers Sales Representative
Henry William Payne Rushden Leather Worker
Ellen Elizabeth Jones Yelden Housewife (married woman)
Donald Arthur Annis Rushden Shop Assistant
Ada Lily Wicks Rushden Housewife (married woman)
Mary Benning Yelden Housewife (married woman)
Frederick Benning Yelden Boot and Shoe Worker
Laura Jackson Melchbourne Housewife (married woman)

Signed J. Wainwright Utley.   Chairman.

J. Rollins-Patenall.

W. E. Capon.

Minutes of the Yelden Annual Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday January 11th 1950, at 7.30pm.

Those present being Rev. J. Wainwright Utley. Presiding.

Mr. F. Benning, Mrs. M. Benning, Mrs. L. Jackson, Mrs. A. L. Wicks, Mrs. E. E. Jones, Mr. H. W. Payne, Mr. G .L. Smith, Mr. C. A. Espin, Mr. E. E. Wood, Mr. H. W. Miller & Mr. D. A. Annis.

  1. The Meeting opened with prayer by the Rev. J. Wainwright-Utley.
  2. A warm welcome  was accorded to the new trustees by the Rev. J. W. Utley who then explained what the trust was instituted for.
  3. The accounts were then presented by the Secretary Mr. F. Benning. Showing a cash in hand of £7-6-6 which was adopted with thanks.
  4. Mr. & Mrs. Benning were thanked for their services and were re-elected.
  5. The cChairman then read out the questions from the schedule which were all answered correctly.
  6. The Chairman then said that he had had the account in from Mr. Gray (electrician), for the wiring of the Chapel for the electric lights, which was £27-10-0 which was accepted as very satisfactory.
  7. The Chairman then presented an estimate from Mr. Cox for the renovation of the Chapel & Schoolroom which was £35-10-0, extra for painting woodwork of Schoolroom £5-2-6. It was suggested that another estimate from another decorator would be most desirable. Mr. Benning suggested that Mr. Crook of Riseley be approached for his estimate & it was decided to ask Mr. Benning to get in touch with him.
  8. The Service of Dedication was proposed by the Rev. J. W. Utley that the date should be Saturday 1st April followed by a tea and enquiries would be made by the chairman to see if the Park Road Methodist Choir would come & give a short concert after the tea. (The Rev. T. H. Johns had been invited to attend)  The Rev. J. W. Utley then thanked the Trustees for attending the meeting in such good numbers. Mr. Benning thanked Mrs. A. S. Wicks & Mrs. S. M. Wildman for their valuable services by officiating at the organ for the Chapel Services each week. This concluded the business & the meeting closed with the benediction by the Rev. J. W. Utley.     24/1/1951.  J. Wainwright Utley.

Minutes of the Yelden Annual Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday January 24th 1951 at 8.30pm.

Those present being, Rev. J.Wainwright Utley, Mr. F. Benning, Mrs. M. Benning, Mrs. E. Jones, Mrs. S. Jackson, Mr. D. Annis, Mr. H. W. Payne, Mr. C. Espin & Mr. L. G. Smith.

The meeting opened with prayers by the Rev. J.Wainwright Utley.

  1. The trust accounts were presented to the meeting by the treasurer Mr.F. Benning, showing a cash in hand of 11s-4d. The accounts were adopted & signed by the Chairman.
  2. The schedule was then presented & the questions relating to the trust property was read out to the meeting & correctly answered.
  3. The Chairman gave a vote of thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Benning for the work they had done during the past year & the meeting re-elected them for the coming year as chapel stewards, treasurer and trust secretary.  Mr. C. Espin proposed & Mrs. Jackson seconded
  4. The Chairman then proposed that an effort should be made for the Trust Funds at Yelden & he suggested that he should write to the Friends of Irthlingborough Fellowship to enquire if they would come out & give a Concert for the above Fund. Also Mr. H. W. Payne suggested a tea in the Village Hall. These suggestions were carried with thanks. The date was provisionally arranged for Saturday 14th of April.

Thanks were then extended to the organists Mrs. L. M. Wildman & Mrs. A. L. Wicks for their valuable services of officiating at the organ at the Sunday Services, which was proposed by Mr. D. Annis and seconded by Mr. L.G. Smith. The Chairman then thanked the trustees for their attendance at the meeting & for their interest shown in the cause at Yelden.  Mr. Benning spoke in appreciation of the work of the Rev. J. W. Utley at Yelden.  This concluded the meeting, which closed with the benediction by the Rev. J. Wainwright Utley.

Thomas Oakley. 9th Jan 1952.

Meeting of the Yelden Annual Trustees meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday January 9th 1952 at 7.45pm.

Apologies were received from Messrs. W.E. Capon & L. G. Smith for their absence.

Those present being the Rev. Thomas Oakley; B.A. Presiding: Mr. F. Benning, secretary, Mrs. Benning, Mr. Pack, Mr. H. W. Payne, Mrs. Jones, Mr. C. Espin, Mr. D. Annis.

The meeting opened with prayers led by the Rev. Thomas Oakley B.A.

The Financial Statement was then presented by the Secretary of the year’s accounts, which were very satisfactory & were adopted & signed by the Rev. T. Oakley which showed a balance in hand on 7s.1d.

The Chapel Stewards were then elected for the coming year, Mr. & Mrs. Benning and the trust secretary Mr. Benning.

It was moved by the secretary that a vote of thanks should be moved to the organists of the church Mrs. S. M. Wildman & Mrs. A. L.Wicks for their valuable assistance at the organ for the Sunday services.

The Rev. T. Oakley then read out the questions from the Schedule to the meeting & all were correctly answered & was duly signed by the Rev. T. Oakley.  It was proposed by Mr. Pack that the sum of 2s.6d should be paid from the Trust Fund to the G.C.F. & seconded by Mr. Benning.

The Rev. T. Oakley then suggested that a small Baptism Register should be kept at the Yelden Church, this was carried.  The matter then arose as to how funds could be raised for the trust funds & the Rev. T. Oakley promised that he would approach the Higham Friends of the Methodist Church to see if they could arrange a party to come out to Yelden & give a concert.

This concluded the business of the meeting & the Rev. T. Oakley closed the meeting with the Benediction.         Thomas Oakley   Feb. 4/1953.

Minutes of the Yelden Annual Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday Feb 4th 1953 at 7.45pm.

Apologies were received from Messrs. W. E. Capon,  C. Espin & L. G. Smith for their inability to attend the meeting.

Those present being the Rev.Thomas Oakley B.A. presiding.  Mr. F. Benning, Mr. Miller, Mr. Payne & Mrs. Benning & Jackson.

The meeting opened with prayer by the Rev. Thomas Oakley after which the minutes of the last trustees meeting was read by the secretary.

The Financial Statement of the years accounts were presented to the meeting by the Secretary which were very satisfactory & proposed by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Payne for their adoption which was carried & signed by the Rev. Thomas Oakley.  It was proposed by Mr. Benning that the sum of 2/6d should be paid from the trust fund to the General Chapel Fund & was seconded by Mr. Payne.

Thanks were extended to Mr. & Mrs. Benning for their services as Chapel Stewards during the past year, also it was agreed to re-appoint them for the coming year which was accepted.   Letters of thanks & appreciation for their services as organists to be sent to Mrs. L. M. Wildman & Mrs. A. L. Wicks. The Rev. T. Oakley then read the questions regarding the Trust property & all were answered correctly. The question regarding the insurance of the property which was in need of overhaul & it was suggested that the value of the property at present insured for £800 should be increased to £1,000,  this was carried.

The Trust Secretary reported that the chapel roof was in need of repair. Re the slating & it was left to the Rev. T. Oakley & Mr. Payne for a builder to inspect the roof. It was suggested that the Chapel Anniversary be held on Sunday May 10th & that the Rev. Keith Lyon should be appointed to take the services.

This concluded the business of the meeting & the Rev. Thomas Oakley pronounced the Benediction.                Thomas Oakley.   Jan.13 1954.

Minutes of the Yelden Trustees meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday January 13th 1954 at 7.45pm.

Apologies were received from Mrs. A. L. Wicks & Mr. W. C. Capon for their inability to attend the meeting.

Those present being the Rev. Thomas Oakley B.A. presiding, Mrs. L. Jackson, Mrs. F. Benning, Messrs. F. Benning, C. Espin, S. G. Smith, C. Jackson,  A. Spavins, H. W. Payne.

The Meeting opened with prayer by the Rev. Thomas Oakley, after which the minutes of the last Trustees Meeting was read by the trust secretary which was found to be correct & duly signed by the chairman.

The Financial Statement of the year’s accounts was presented by the secretary to the meeting & was found to be satisfactory & was signed by the Chairman.

A vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs. L. M. Wildman & Mrs. A. L. Wicks for their most valuable assistance at the Sunday services as organists.

Also to Mr. & Mrs. Benning as Chapel Stewards.

The Rev. T. Oakley then read out the questions from the sSchedule & all were answered correctly. The question of the condition of the chapel roof which needed reslating was brought forward & it was decided that a letter should be sent to Mr. Sanders, Rushden and to Mr. Williamson for an estimate for the schoolroom roof which was in a very bad condition & also to examine the chapel roof. Mr. Benning then proposed that 2/6d should be given from the Trust Fund to the General Chapel Fund. 

This concluded the business of the meeting and the Rev. Thomas Oakley pronounced the Benediction.        J. W. Colwell.   17.1.55.

Minutes of meeting of Yelden Trustees held at Higham Ferrers on 20th July 1954.

Present Rev. Thomas Oakley B.A. chairman supported by Mrs. Benning, Messrs. Thacker, Pack, Spavins, Espin, Payne, Jackson & Smith.

Following prayers led by the chairman, it was resolved that a message of good cheer and hope for a speedy recovery be sent to Mr. F. Benning.

The meeting was called that members might discuss the state of the chapel and school roof, which was reported by Mr. H. W. Payne to be rapidly getting worse.  Estimates had been obtained with a view of expediting the repairs and were as follows:-

A. Sanders Ltd.  9/4/1954. Completely strip and use new slates with a alternative covering of asbestos. 

Slates Schoolroom £ 61.
  Chapel £171. 4s.0d.
Asbestos schoolroom £ 49.
Church  £136.

With an extra cost of £3.19s.0d and £12. 4s.6d if the respective roofs were felted.

Mr. S. Williamson  17/7/1954  Completely strip and felt using existing slates where possible. Schoolroom - £15. Chapel - £25.

Following some discussion it was agreed on the proposition of Mr. Spavins and seconded by Mr. C. Espin that the estimate of Mr. S. Williamson be accepted and that the work placed at the earliest convenience.  In the discussion that followed it was resolved that Mr. H. W. Payne contact Mr. George Wildman with a view of holding a Garden Party at the “Cottages on the Green” with the arrangements in the hands of the friends at Yelden.  The meeting closed with the Benediction.   D. W. Holwell.  12.1.55.

Minutes of the Yelden Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday January 12th 1955 at 7.45pm.

Present Rev. David Holwell presiding, Mrs. Jackson, Messrs. Benning, Payne, Thacker, Pack, Espin, Spavins and Smith.

Following prayers led by the Rev. David Holwell, the minutes of the last was presented by the Trust Secretary which was found to be correct & duly signed by the Rev. David Holwell. The financial statement account for the year was presented to the meeting & was found to be very satisfactory. It was resolved to send a message of fond wishes & for a speedy recovery from her illness to Mrs. Benning.

The Chapel Roof Repairs Fund was stated to be very satisfactory with a balance to date of £45.5s.5½d. It was also suggested to write Mr. Williamson of Riseley for the work to be started at his earliest date. The schedule was presented & the questions filled in correctly.  The matter of the Beds County Library was brought forward; an application has been made for the use of the Yelden School Room one night per week for the issue of books to the village. The application was granted. Mrs. Annis being in charge of the Library,

It was suggested that letters of thanks & appreciation for their services on Sundays as organists to Mrs. S. M. Wildman & Mrs. A. S. Wicks.

Thanks were also given to Mr. & Mrs. Benning for their services during the past year.

Mr. Smith then read the minutes if the meeting held at Higham Ferrers on 20th July 1954, which was called for to decide the work of the Chapel roof & the estimates from the builders.

The minutes were accepted with thanks & correct & signed by the Rev. David Holwell.

It was proposed that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mrs. R. S. Wildman of Rushden of the passing of her husband well known & late organist of the Yelden chapel.

The meeting closed with the Benediction by the Rev. David Holwell.                                                                   John W. J. Scott

Minutes of the Yelden Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday January 11th 1956 at 8.15pm.

Present Rev. J. W. J. Scott, presiding. Mrs Benning, Messrs. Benning, Espin, Payne, Smith, Pack & Thacker.

The Rev. J. W. J. Scott opened the meeting with prayer following this said how pleased he was to see so many trustees present.

Apologies for absence were received from Mr. Capon & Mrs. Jackson.

The financial statement was then read by the Rev. Scott & was found to be very satisfactory & was signed & confirmed by the Meeting.

It was proposed by the Rev. Scott that 2/6 should be allocated from the trust fund toward the local preachers department & was carried, also the usual subscription for the general chapel fund of 2/6.

A vote of thanks was recorded to Mr. H. W. Payne for his work of renovating the schoolroom, which was very much appreciated, also to Miss Wagstaff for her kindness for the curtains.

Mr. & Mrs. Benning were then thanked for their services as Chapel Stewards during the past year & were then re-elected for the coming year, with Mr. Benning as Trust Secretary. Thanks were also given to the organists for their services during the past year & it was suggested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mrs. L. Wildman & Mrs. A. S. Wicks.

The Schedule then was the next item & the questions was read & answered correctly & was found to be in order. Also the repair of the chapel roof of which Mr. Scott promised to send a letter of thanks to Mr. Williamson for the very able way in which he carried out the repairs.

The meeting then suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Croot (decorator) of Riseley asking for an estimate for the work of  painting & puttying the outside of the chapel & the windows.  The Rev. Scott promised to write.

It was suggested that the money which would be received from the Beds County Library for the use of the Yelden schoolroom be put as the funds of the Repair Fund now in the bank, this was carried.

This concluded the business & the meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. J.W. J. Scott.                            John W. J. Scott.  16/1/57

Minutes of the Yelden Annual Trustees meeting held in Yelden Chapel on Wednesday 16th January 1957 at 7.45pm.

Present Rev. J. W. J. Scott presiding, Mrs. Jackson, Mr. F. Benning, Mr. Espin, Mr. Spavins, Mr. Pack, Mr. Smith & Mr. Payne.

The meeting opened with prayer by the Rev. J. W. J. Scott after which the minutes of the last annual meeting was read by Mr. Benning.

Arising out of the same was the question of Mr. Croot of Riseley (decorator) had replied to the letter asking for an estimate for painting etc. the outside of the chapel, this was not so, but it was suggested to ask Mr. Payne if he would approach a Mr. King with an invitation for an estimate, failing that it was suggested to approach others.

It was agreed that 2/6 should be allocated towards the Local Preachers Department Fund, also 2/6 from the trust fund towards the G.C.F.

The Financial Statement for the year was then presented by the Rev. Scott, the Stewards of the Chapel were then thanked for their services during the past year & were re-elected.

The Organists were thanked for their services during the past year & hoped that Mrs. Wicks would still officiate at the organ for the coming year.

The Schedule questions were then read & put to the meeting which were answered correctly.

The Rev. J. W. J. Scott then referred to the sad loss Mr. S. G. Wildman had sustained recently of his wife Mrs. S. M. Wildman of her passing away & who had been the organist of the Yelden chapel for many years & was proposed that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mr. Wildman, this was carried.

This concluded the business & the meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. J. W. J. Scott.                                  John W. J. Scott.  22/1/58.

Minutes of the Yelden Annual Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday January 22nd 1958 at 7.45pm.

Those present being the Rev. J. W. J. Scott presiding, Messrs. Espin, Mr. Pack, Mr. Payne, Mr. Spavins, Mr. Smith, Mr. Benning.

The meeting opened with prayer by the Rev. J. W. J. Scott, who then welcomed the trustees who had come to attend the meeting.

After which the financial statement was presented to the meeting showing a cash in hand on the years work of £4-1s-0d. which was accepted as very satisfactory. The repair fund statement was then put to the meeting & and it was mentioned that £24.10s.0d had been paid to Mr. King decorator of Rushden for painting etc, of the exterior of the chapel, which was done very satisfactory & it was put to the meeting that friends who had helped to raise the money for this fund in any way, would receive our warmest thanks.

It was proposed that 2/6 be subscribed towards the local preachers department fund & 2/6 from the trust fund also as a sub towards S.G.T.

Officers were then elected for the coming year, Mr. Benning was elected as trust secretary, Mr Espin stating how much the work was appreciated. Mr & Mrs. Benning were then elected as chapel stewards for the coming year, proposed by Mr. Pack & seconded by Mr. Smith. The schedule was then presented to the meeting & questions were dealt with & correctly answered.

The question of the combined insurance was then brought forward as the meeting thought that £1,000 was inadequate in case of fire etc & it was suggested by the Rev. J. W. J. Scott the premium be raised from £1,000 to £2,000. Mr Pack proposed & seconded by Mr. Smith & was carried.

This concluded the business & the meeting closed with the Benediction by the Rev. J. W. J. Scott.                            John W. J. Scott. 4/2/59.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 9th May 1958, transcribed by Kay Collins

Yelden - The Rev. D. Marshall Dobell conducted anniversary services at Yelden Methodist Chapel on Sunday. Miss Frances Bayes, of Rushden, was the soloist, with Mr. Edward Wood, of Higham Ferrers at the organ.

Minutes of the Yelden Annual Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on February 4th 1959 at 7.45pm.

Those present being the Rev. J. W. J. Scott, Chairman, Rev. D. M. Dobell, Mrs. Benning, Messrs. F. Benning, Mr. C. Espin, Mr. H. W. Payne & Mr. A. Spavins & Mr. L. G. Smith.

The meeting opened with prayer by the Rev. J. W. J. Scott who then welcomed the members who had come to attend the meeting. Apologies were made by the members who were unable to attend, after which the financial statement was read and put to the meeting which proved very satisfactory. The chairman proposed that 2/6 be paid from the trust fund to the Local Preachers Department Fund also 2/6 from the trust fund to the General Chapel Fund.

The Schedule questions were put to the meeting & were answered accordingly. The Rev. D. M. Dobell then spoke in appreciation of the work that had been so willingly done by the members & said it was very nice for the members to work so hard for the cause at Yelden & proposed a vote of thanks to all concerned & seconded by Mr. Espin.

The Officers were then elected for the coming year.  Trust Secretary Mr. F. Benning, proposed Rev. Dobell seconded Mr. C. Espin. Chapel Stewards Mr. & Mrs. F. Benning, proposed Mr. Spavins, seconded Mr. H. W. Payne. A letter be sent to the organist Mrs. A. S. Wicks for her services during the past year & hoped that she will continue to serve as the organist for the coming year, with appreciation; proposed Mr. C. Espin seconded by Rev. D. M. Dobell.

The Chairman then referred to the loss sustained by Mr. H. W. Payne by the passing of his mother & offered to him the meetings deepest sympathy. This concluded the business & the meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. J. W. J. Scott.                      3/2/60  Arthur Thornton.

Minutes of the Yelden Annual Trustees Meeting held at Higham Ferrers on Feb 3rd 1960, at 7.30pm.

Those present being Rev. Arthur Thornton presiding,  Mr. C. Espin, Mr. A. Spavins, Mr. Pack, Mr. Payne, Mr. Wood, Mr. Thacker & Mr. Benning.

The meeting opened with prayer by the Rev. Arthur Thornton, who then welcomed the members of the trust.

Apologies were received from the Rev. D. Marshall Dobell, Mr. W. C. Capon & Mrs. A. G. Larkinson.

The minutes of the last trustees meeting was read by the secretary which was confirmed & duly signed by the chairman. The Financial Statement was then presented and was found to be satisfactory & proposed by Mr. Spavins & seconded by Mr. Thacker. It was proposed by the chairman that 2/6 subscription for general Chapel Fund, 2/6 for Local Preachers Department Fund & 2/6 for Ministerial Training Fund (from the trust fund) & seconded by Mr. Espin. The Rev. Arthur Thornton then spoke in appreciation of the work of Mr. & Mrs. Benning, who suitably replied.

It was suggested also that the good wishes of the meeting be conveyed to Mrs. Benning, who is in Northampton hospital. The Schedule was then presented & questions were correctly answered.

The officers for the coming year were then elected.

Trust Secretary Mr. Benning & chapel stewards Mr. & Mrs. Benning.

Proposed by Mr. Spavins & seconded by Mr. Espin.

It was also proposed that a letter be sent to Mrs. A. S.Wicks who has officiated at the organ & whose playing is very much appreciated & hope that she will continue to carry on as organist during the coming year.

This concluded the meeting & business & was closed with prayer by the Rev. Arthur Thornton.                        19/10/60  Arthur Thornton.

Minutes of the Yelden Annual Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday 19th October 1960 at 7.30pm.

Those present being Rev. Arthur Thornton presiding, Rev. D. Marshall Dobell, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Benning, Mr. Payne, Mr. Spavins, Mr Pack, Mr. Benning. Apologies were received from Mrs. Capon, Mr. Espin, Mr. Thacker, Mr. Smith, who were unable to attend the meeting.

The meeting opened with prayers by the Rev. D. Marshall Dobell.

The minutes of the last Trustees Meeting was read & presented by the secretary which was confirmed & duly signed by the Chairman.

It was decided that 2/6 for General Chapel funds, 2/6 for Local Preachers Department Fund & 2/6 for Ministerial Training Fund, to be taken from the Trust Fund.  The Rev. D. Marshall Dobell then spoke of the work & appreciation of Mr. & Mrs. Benning & hoped that they would continue to do so.

The meeting then suggested that a letter be sent to Mrs. A. L. Wicks thanking her for her services each Sunday as organist & hope that she will be able to continue to so. Also to send the meetings best wishes to her for a speedy recovery from a recent foot operation.

The officers were then re-elected.

Trust Secretary, Mr. Benning.

Chapel Stewards, Mr & Mrs. Benning.

The Schedule was then presented by the Chairman & all questions were correctly answered.

Two trustees were then ceased to be members of the Yelden trust, namely Mr. D. Annis & Mrs. Ellen Jones, the reason being that for the past three years they had ceased to be members of the Methodist Church.

The matter was then put to the meeting of the very bad condition of the Chapel ceiling & walls & it was decided for the Rev. D. Marshall Dobell to get in contact with Mr. G. Green decorator, for him to examine the building & ask for an estimate.

This concluded the meeting & business which was followed by the Benediction by the Rev. Arthur Thornton.      18/10/61  Arthur Thornton.

Minutes of the Yelden Annual Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on Wednesday evening October 18th 1961 at 7.30pm.

Those present being the Rev. Arthur Thornton, Chairman, supported by the Rev. D. M. Dobell, Mrs. Benning, Mr. H. W. Payne & the trust secretary. An apology was received from Mr. W. E. Capon.

The meeting opened with prayer & a scripture reading Psalm 122 by the Rev. D. M. Dobell.

The minutes of the last trustees meeting was read & presented to the meeting & duly signed by the Chairman.

The Financial Statement was then presented & found to be very satisfactory. It was then agreed that subscription of 2/6 be paid to the General Chapel Fund, 2/6 for Local Preachers Department Fund & 2/6 for Ministerial Training Fund from the Chapel Trust Fund.

It was agreed that a letter be sent to Mrs. Wicks thanking her for her past services & wishing her a very speedy recovery from her recent foot operation. The reappointment of Mr. & Mrs. Benning as Chapel Stewards & Mr. Benning as Trust Secretary was accepted with thanks & a note of thanks to Mr. H. W. Payne for his valuable services during the past year. Also a letter to be sent to Mr. J. Burke of Rushden for his great help at the chapel after the redecoration, re varnishing etc with the help of 4 others in making the chapel look so beautiful.

The Schedule was then put to the meeting by the chairman & all questions were answered correctly.

Mr. H. W. Payne then put forward the proposition for permission to fix an extra notice board outside the chapel, stating the times of services etc, & this was agreed to.  Mr. Benning then put forward a proposal for permission to have the outside path of the chapel concreted.  This was agreed to having it to Mr. Benning & Mr. Payne.

Sincere thanks were extended to the Rev Arthur Thornton & Rev. D. Marshall Dobell  for their work in connection with the Yelden chapel.

This concluded the meeting & business & was closed with prayer by the Rev. Arthur Thornton.                      16/10/62.  A. Thornton.

Minutes of the Annual Trustees Meeting held at Yelden on Tuesday evening October 16th 1962 at 7.30pm.

Those present being the Rev. Arthur Thornton presiding, Mr. & Mrs Benning, Mr. Tyler, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Jackson, Mr. Payne, Mr. Spavins. Apologies were received from Mr. Espin & Rev. J. Searle for their inability to attend the meeting.

The meeting opened with the reading of a Psalm & prayer by the Rev. Arthur Thornton who welcomed the members of the Trust.

The minutes of the last Trustees Meeting was read & presented to the meeting & accepted & signed by the chairman.

The Financial Statement was then presented & found to be satisfactory.

It was then agreed that the usual subscription from the trust fund 2/6 General Chapel Fund, 2/6 for the Local Preachers Department Fund & 2/6 for the Ministerial Training Fund. Thanks for the services of Mr. & Mrs. Benning for their services during the past year & reappointed as Chapel Stewards for the year was accepted with thanks, also Mr. Benning re-elected as Trust Secretary. It was then suggested that the meetings greetings should be sent to Mr. C. Jackson & hope for a speedy recovery from his illness.

The resignation of Mrs. Wicks as organist owing to continued ill health was received with regret & wished for her membership to be continued. It was agreed that a letter be sent from the meeting thanking her for her past services.

The Schedule was read & presented by the Chairman & questions were correctly answered. Mr. Payne asked for permission to fix a new grate in the vestry, this was agreed to. This concluded the business & the meeting closed with the benediction by the Rev. Arthur Thornton.

                                    15/10/63.  A Thornton.

A Special Trustees Meeting was held at Yelden on July 26th 1963 at 7.30.

Those present being Rev. J. D. Searle presiding, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Benning, Messrs. C. Espin, M. Tyler, Smith, Payne, Spavins & Benning.

An apology was received from Mr. S. Williamson.

The meeting opened with prayer by the Rev. John Searle who welcomed the members of the trust who explained the reason for the meeting being for a new heating system of the chapel. Mr. Payne then put to the meeting the three estimates he had received for coke heating from

Mr. Felce for installation £43.  2s.0d.

Mr. Smith coke heating   £53.16s.0d.

From the Electric Company, East Midlands for £61.12s.0d.

It was put to the meeting what kind of heating would be required.

Mr. Benning proposed it should electricity heating, Mr. C. Espin seconded.

It was suggested that two more estimates be required & it was suggested for Mr. Payne to write to Mr. May & Mr. Morgan for estimates.

Means of raising funds for the same was then considered & it was suggested that a further meeting be called at Park Road Methodist Church Rushden on August 30th at 7.30pm.

This concluded the meeting & the Rev. John Searle pronounced the benediction.                                   John D. Searle   30 Aug 63.

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