The new Police Station at Rushden is now nearly completed and next month it will be in occupation. The exterior presents a pleasing appearance, the materials used being red bricks with Weldon stone dressings, the fine porch by which an entrance is effected being of Derbyshire stone, the rich carving of which has been executed by Messrs. Reynolds, of Northampton. The internal arrangements are admirably designed for comfort, convenience and durability.
On the right of the entrance corridor is a large room, which will be used as an occasional Court House, though, as heretofore, the chief police court business will be conducted at Wellingborough. On the left of the entrance is a charge room, and the remainder of this wing of the building consists of the Inspector’s quarters, whilst beyond the Court House on the other side are the constables quarters.
Wide corridors floored with Mosaic paving, and with walls faced with red glazed bricks, communicate from one side of the main building to the other and to the rooms at the back, where there is a large guard-room for the use of the constables and other places of convenience, including a drying chamber, where the men returning from duty on a wet day can quickly get their clothing dried.
Upstairs are the bedrooms, a good bathroom, &c. from beyond the guard-room a raised corridor lined with white glazed bricks leads to the cells, of which there are three, well lighted, commodious, well ventilated, and warmed. Beyond these again is an exercise yard, covered with an iron grating, for the prisoners.
There is electrical bell communication between the cells and the main buildings. The whole of the buildings are well lighted and ventilated.
Architects Messrs. Law and Harris, Northampton. Builders Messrs. Hacksley, Wellingboro’.
Clerk of the Works Mr. Harry Knight, Rushden
A badge from a Police House