Taken from the Information for Parents booklet 1992 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Whitefriars Junior School
Information for Parents 1992 |
The building was opened in 1973 and is two storey with a large central hall. There are eight class areas arranged in pairs, with a work area between each pair. There is a self contained administration block, a resource area and a small library. The building encourages calm and purposeful working conditions, being light and pleasant, and a respect for the building is an important part of our philosophy.
The school is surrounded by extensive playing fields and we have a flourishing conservation area. We are fortunate in sharing the site with Whitefriars Infant School and are proud of the mutual respect held by both schools. Whitefriars Achievements The staff and parents of Whitefriars Juniors school have very high expectations of the children and we are proud of the fact that our children have consistently attained very high standards not only in the academic field but in other spheres too.
In sport we have won numerous trophies for netball, football and athletics. In developing Technology through the National Curriculum we have established our own company, Card Capers, which began by printing and marketing Christmas cards for charity.The children manage and staff their own bank and shop and we have well established links with local commerce and industry. Throughout the school the children are taught in classes, generally of mixed ability, but the children having learning difficulties are given extra help in smaller groups wherever possible. The curriculum is broadly based and most subjects are taught by the child’s class teacher. There is some specialisation by staff to enable us to utilize their expertise in full.A number of activities take place as extra curricula during the lunch break and after school. These are an integral part of your child’s education and we hope that you will support our endeavours to broaden the experience available to them.
The Aims of the School Social Skills
Academic skills
The School Curriculum The National Curriculum initiatives are being developed through the following core and foundation subjects Core Subjects English Great emphasis is placed upon the reasons for communication both in written and verbal form The elements of:
are given equal weighting whilst
is given a very high priority and the children are placed on individual schemes, through which they progress as they move through the school. They are encouraged to take reading books home and the co-operation of parents in hearing children read and in helping them at home is appreciated. Mathematics The children are encouraged to acquire a positive attitude towards mathematics by developing in them an ability to think clearly and logically. We aim to help each child to apply mathematical skills to practical situations and ensure that they are taught mental arithmetic and problem solving techniques. An emphasis is placed on the learning of tables. Science Our aim is to encourage the development of an enquiring mind and a logical approach to problems and investigations. The children of today are growing up in a world in which there is a greater emphasis on good design, technology and environmental education. We, therefore, encourage the child to be inventive, to think about the possibilities of bringing about change and improvement to existing situations. Foundation Subjects Creative Arts We aim to give the children opportunities to express themselves through art, craft, drama and dance. We hope to develop in them creative skills, awareness and appreciation. Geography/History Geography and History are taught as ways of learning through organised enquiry, using activities based upon the pupil’s natural and man-made environment. In this way we plan to develop the understanding, interpretation and communication of information. Religious Education and Collective Worship Religious education is taught as an introduction to an individual’s religious quest through the understanding of world-wide beliefs and practice. The bringing together of the whole school for an assembly which is spiritually or morally uplifting, is a valuable part of education. It has the additional value of unifying the school, of bringing together diverse cultures, social backgrounds and religions. We are fortunate to have developed links with the Rushden Council of Churches and entertain local ministers throughout the year. The school makes arrangements for parents to exercise their right of withdrawal from religious worship and instruction. Technology Design technology and information technology are taught through an integration of all subjects.
Physical Education The physical aspects of education are developed through PE classes, games and swimming. All children should have a pair of plimsolls, shorts and top for PE which are kept at school. Physical activities take place during school time and in various after school clubs. We also run numerous sports teams, including soccer, netball and athletics.
Music The school has built up quite a reputation in choral work. Health, Sex and Safety Education Aspects of human biology are covered by every age group with special emphasis on correct diet, cleanliness, personal hygiene, growth and the function of the eyes, ears and other parts of the body. At an appropriate age, usually in Year 6, we teach the children about the physiological changes occurring at puberty and the process by which a baby is born. Parents, whose contribution to health education is much valued by staff, will be informed prior to sex education being offered. The children will also be encouraged to apply the knowledge and skills of safety education in the home, school and on the roads. Staffing Structure
Behaviour We expect all of the children to be well behaved at all times. In this way they can enjoy school life and settle down to learn; they can set a good example to all others no matter what their age or ability. Here at Whitefirars we emphasise the 3C’s: CARE CONSIDERATION COURTESY These to be applied at all times. We believe that children respond best to praise and we therefore teach by encouragement rather than punishment, but we do not hesitate to admonish and punish when it is necessary. The Class teacher is directly responsible for the pastoral care of your child and they are alert to the needs of the individuals entrusted to their care. If you have a problem, please do not hesitate to come in and see us because if we have a problem with your child we will not hesitate to call you in to see us.
If a child is absent please ring or send a note on returning to school. If the child is to be away for more than a few days, or has an infectious illness, please contact the school. No child is allowed out of school for any reason unless a note is received or the child is called for by a responsible adult. If the children become ill during the school day they are usually taken to the Resources Room or adjacent area. If the condition persists or is of a serious nature, or if expert medical attention is required, parents are contacted as soon as possible. Parents are requested to inform the Head Teacher of any relevant medical history that may affect a child’s general development or education. Nowadays, not every child is medically examined at Junior School level. The school Doctor will, however, carry out a medical examination at the request of parents, Head teacher or school psychologist, while children found to have a medical problem during their Infant school days will have the problem reviewed periodically at the discretion of the school doctor. All Year 3 children will have their eyesight tested by the school nurse, who will also test hearing at any time, if so requested. The nurse visits the school every week, following up all possible problems by liaising with parents. The school dentist endeavours to carry out a dental inspection at regular intervals.
There are no hot meals provided. Children bring a packed lunch and a drink. All containers must be plastic. Applications for all free school meals are dealt with by the County Education Office in Northampton . Forms for application are available from the school office on request. Children in receipt of free school meals are provided with sandwiches. Crisps and such snacks may be purchased from the school tuck shop which is open every day at 8.30 am and during the morning break.
Equal Partners Just as you have high expectations of Whitefriars Junior School and its staff, we too have high expectations of you the parent, and in choosing to send your child to Whitefriars Junior, we expect to work in partnership with you in providing an all-round education for your child. Such a partnership would require you as parents to:
Your help during school time is very welcome, especially if you can offer it on a regular basis each week. There are, however, always some jobs needing to be done if you can only spare the occasional hour. Your help can be used for painting, printing, model making, carpentry, games, swimming, cooking, reading stories etc. The list is endless! If you feel that you can help, we always have a variety of tasks suitable and available. Give us your name and do not be shy. We need you!
Parents and School Children work hard at school and it is good for them to know that parents are interested in their efforts. We try to run an open school at Whitefriars and encourage honest dialogue about individual children and school life in general. We invite parents to help us fulfil the aims of the school by mutual exchange of ideas and information. Parents are always welcome here. Do not be puzzled by anything connected with the school. Come and find out! There are regular open evenings held so that parents may discuss and examine their child’s progress. There are sometimes opportunities for you to come and watch your child in a working environment or to see a range of work developed as a result of a residential visit. Education evenings are held periodically to focus on some facet of the curriculum. Home and school are the two most important influences on your child and he/she must feel that you and his/her teachers are working together, showing an interest in all his/her activities both in school and at home. Please let us know if there is anything about your child that you think might affect the way they work in school. Should a problem arise with a child at home or at school, it is to everybody’s advantage that it is dealt with quickly. All the staff at Whitefriars are approachable and very ready to discuss the welfare and progress of the children in their care. A phone call or a visit or a note are all that are necessary to arrange an appointment with one of us. The school has an active parent-Teacher Association, and parents supporting this organisation have frequent opportunities of becoming better acquainted with the school’s organisation and curriculum. Regular class assemblies together with annual events such as the Harvest Festival, Mothers’ Day Service and the customary Christmas events also give further chances for making worthwhile contacts. Homework The children will be encopuraged to perform small tasks at home such as learning spellings or tables or the research of information for topic work. The children may also be asked to complete small tasks at home which they have failed to finish at school. Admission Arrangements Children normally transfer to this school from Whitefriars Infant School in the September following their seventh birthday. All new intake children will be involved in an afternoon’s activities before they start school. Parents of these new children will be invited to an evening during the summer term to meet the Head and staff, to see the school facilities and generally familiarise themselves with the school’s aims and curriculum. In addition to the new intake open evening, there are two occasions, one in October and one during the Spring term, when evenings are set aside for parent-teacher consultation, at which full and frank discussions of mutual benefit to all parties concerned can take place. A written report on the progress of your child will be issued at the end of each academic year. Uniform We do not insist on the wearing of school uniform except at formal school functions and outside visits. The uniform consists of:
We have school sweatshirts, t-shirts and ties available for sale in the school, which the majority of the children wear regularly. Jeans or denims are not allowed in the school Shorts, t-shirts and plimsolls should be provided for PE and games Football/hockey boots may be worn for field games Jumpers/track suits may be worn in cold weather Items of clothing, including footwear, should be labelled with the child’s name or initials to help them trace them when lost or mislaid. |
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