Rushden Echo, 18th March 1910, transcribed by Kay Collins
Boot and Shoe Classes at Rushden
Presentation of Prizes
The students attending the Rushden centre of boot and shoe classes held in connection with the County Council received their prizes ar the Newton-road Schools on Friday last. Those present included Messrs. J Claridge,J.P., C.C., G Miller, C.C., J S Clipson, Swaysland (principal), Goode, H Perkins, and L Perkins, B.Sc.
Mr John Claridge congratulated the students on the session’s work. The trade needed more skill and art now than ever, and these schools provided opportunities in that direction. Mr Swaysland was an expert master. He was glad to see so many attending the classes. There were more students at Rushden classes than in any centre in England, except Leicester, and they had the largest number of examination passes in the whole country, standing first with 24, against 20 at Northampton, 16 at Kettering, and 15 at Wellingborough. Three Rushden students had passes in preliminary science, although not specially prepared for the examination.
Mr Claridge then presented the prizes to the following students:-
Honours Stage
2nd class certificates and passes in practical pattern cutting, G W Knighton, H Maddams, E Miller, and W C Tarry.
2nd class certificate and pass in clicking management, B W Benford.
Counbty Council prize for well-kept note-book, H Carter.
Second class certificate and pass in in pattern cutting, H G Buttling.
Second class certificate and pass in practical rough stuff cutting, with County Council prize, G Miller.
Second class certificate and pass in practical rough stuff cutting, L Newell.
Second class certificates and passes in practical lasting, A Taylor, H Wright (with County Council prize).
County Council prize for well-kept note-book, F Spencer.
Passes, W H Baker, G H Buttling (County Council prize for well-kept note-book), F A Corby, J Curtis, J Ginns, H Green, F Lovell, G Miller, L Newell, W Sharman, F Spencer, A Spriggs, H Wright, and J Wrighton.
Prelimary Science
Second class passes, F Cooke, W Goode, H Maddams.
Mr Swaysland spoke of the good work done by Mr Perkins as principal of the evening school.
Mr Miller and Mr Clipson also gave addresses.
Thanks were accorded to Mr Perkins and to Mr Claridge.