Northamptonshire is Famous for its Shoe Manufacturing Industry
A wide variety of footwear is produced ranging from soccer boots to top fashion shoes. Total production for the county is in excess of twenty million pairs each year and over three million pairs of these go overseas.
There are a few very large factories but generally they are of a medium size employing between 100 and 350 people.
The choice of your first job is the most important decision you will make and we hope that this booklet will highlight the many opportunities open to you in the Footwear Industry.
We are sure that your association with our industry will be a long and happy one and wish you every success in your chosen career.
The Designer creates the idea from which a new style of shoe is made. His artistic flair must be coupled with a sound knowledge of footwear manufacture.
The Pattern Cutter translates the Designers drawing into patterns from which the shoe can be made.
Designing and Pattern Cutting are both highly skilled Jobs.
Clicker is the name given to the men who cut the parts of the shoe upper from leather skins, man-made materials, plastics, etc.
This job is now done by hydraulic press using cutting dies.
Sometimes the clicker cuts by hand using a clicking knife.
It is highly skilled and requires a keen eye and a steady hand.
The parts of the shoe cut by the clicker are thinned or skived on the edges to be joined. Then sewn together. Buckles, eyelets and any fancy trimmings are then attached. The "upper" or top part of the shoe is now said to be "closed"
A skilled machinist needs good eyesight, concentration and nimble fingers.
The bottom part of the shoe (sole and heel) is made and the "upper" is stretched over the last which is the shape of a foot. The last is made of wood or plastic. The sole and heel are then stitched, tacked, stapled or cemented to the "upper" on the last and the whole unit begins to look like a shoe.

Girls are taught to machine by a qualified instructress in the factory, some companies have training centres for girls.
In addition most companies offer day release to technical college.
You will be taught the necessary skills to enable you to operate the highly complex machinery used in modern shoe-making by qualified instructors. Day release to technical college is also available.
Clerical workers are trained in the office where their work and training is supervised by a qualified instructor. Day release to technical college is given for relevant courses of study.
A course prospectus, available free from any local technical college, gives full details of both day release and evening study courses.
Modern machinery, new materials and methods of production are changing so rapidly that a new technology is being created. It is no longer enough to know how to operate a machine as the highly complex machinery now being introduced demands far greater technical knowledge.
Day/block release to technical college enables you to study the technical aspects of shoe manufacture and to develop your individual skill, enabling you to become the operative, technician, designer or manager of tomorrow.
A course prospectus is available free from any of the local technical colleges and gives details of both day release and evening study courses.
No business can operate smoothly without office staff they are the link between customers, suppliers and the factory. Administrative staff are involved in:-
Sales deciding which styles of shoe to make and sell to the customers.
Planning and Control translating customers orders into production information and ensuring that delivery dates are met.
Accounts controlling the many financial transactions in purchasing raw materials and selling finished shoes.
Wages calculating and paying the wages of all employees. |
It is managements job to plan for the future. To effectively use the labour and materials at its disposal and meet the production targets it has set. Trainee managers are taught to work as a team They often work in the factory to gain a better understanding of the production processes used and are encouraged to study managerial skills at technical college.
Companies Offering Training (in 1973)
Botterill, W. & Son, Ltd., Bozeat
Bozeat Boot Co. Ltd. (The), Easton Maudit Lane, Bozeat
Avalon Footwear Ltd. Cross St., Littlewood St., Rothwell
Cheaney (Joseph) & Sons Ltd. Rushton Rd., Desborough
Clarks Ltd., Tresham Works, Kettering Rd., Rothwell
Desborough Shoe Co. Ltd. Queen St., Desborough
Dunkelman & Son Ltd. The Manor House, Desborough
Groocock, T. & Co. (Rothwell) Ltd. (incorporating S. E. Gamble & Sons Ltd.)
Gordon Shoe Works, Gordon St., Rothwell
Little Duke Shoemakers Ltd. Little Duke Works, Desborough
Barker, A. & Sons Ltd., Earls Barton NN6 ONU
Brookes, W. J. Ltd., Earls Barton
Partridge, T. & C. & Co. Ltd. ,Earls Barton
White & Co. (Earls Barton) Ltd., Progress Works, Earls Barton
Gammidge (John R.) & Co. Ltd., Summerlee Rd. Works, Finedon
Nutt (Arthur) & Co. Ltd., Finedon
Rockleigh Shoe Co. Ltd. (The), Finedon
Tower Boot Co. Ltd., Wellingborough Rd., Finedon
Borough Shoes Ltd., Commercial St., Higham Ferrers
Wholsale & Export Shoe Co. Ltd., Irchester |
Norton Shoes Ltd., Fine Footwear, Irthlingborough
Wearra Shoes Ltd., Express Boot Works, Irthlingboro
Allen & Caswell Ltd., Stamford Rd., Kettering
B.S.C. Footwear Supplies Ltd., (Factories Division), North Park, Kettering
Coles Boot Co. Ltd. (The), Standard Works, Burton Latimer
Drage Shoe Co. Ltd. (The), Stamford Rd., Kettering
G.U.S. Footwear Ltd., Universal Works, Wood St., Kettering
Gravestock, E. C. Ltd., Avenue Works, Kettering
Hall (Ken) (Shoes to Measure) Ltd., 39 Regent Street, Kettering
Hulett Shoes Ltd., Garfield and Kingsway Works, William St., Kettering
Individual Shoes Ltd., Alexandra St., Burton Latimer
Loake Bros. Ltd., Unique Works, Wood St., Kettering
Webb (George) & Sons (Walgrave) Ltd. Walgrave, Northampton
Whitney & Westley Ltd., Burton Latimer
Wright, F. & Co. (Kettering) Ltd., Connaught St., Kettering
Wright, T. G. (Kettering) Ltd., Cross St., Kettering
Adams Bros. (Raunds) Ltd.
Spencer St., Raunds
Coggins, R. & Sons Ltd.
Nene Works, Raunds
Gravestock, E. C. (Raunds) Ltd.
Midlands Rd., Raunds
St. Crispin Footwear Ltd.
Sackville St., Raunds
Smith (Owen) (Raunds) Ltd., Stanwick
Tebbutt & Hall Bros. Ltd.
Coleman St., Raunds
Allebone & Sons Ltd., Oakley Rd., Rushden
Clarke & Co. Ltd., The Green, Rushden
Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd., Portland Rd., Rushden
D. B. Shoes Ltd., Rectory Rd., Rushden
Eaton Footwear Ltd., College St., Rushden NN10 9SA
Fox Shoes Ltd., Park Rd., Rushden
Green (William) & Son (Grenson) Ltd.,Queen St./Cromwell Rd., Rushden
Horrell Shoemakers Ltd., Fitzwilliam St., Rushden NN10 9YP
Jaques & Clark Ltd., Midland Rd., Rushden
Knight & Lawrence Ltd. 6 Manton Rd., Rushden
Sanders & Sanders Ltd., Spencer Works, Rushden
Sargent (Alfred) & Sons Ltd., Portland Rd., Rushden
Selwood (Geo.) & Co. Ltd. Harborough Rd., Rushden
Tarry, R. & Co. Ltd., College St., Rushden
Tecnic Shoe Co. Ltd. (The) Bedford Rd., Rushden
White (John) (Footwear) Ltd., Newton Rd., Rushden
(Head Office: Midland Rd., Higham Ferrers NN9 8DW)
Wilkins & Denton Ltd. Totector House, Rushden
Woods, C. K. Ltd. North St., Rushden
Chamberlain, F. C. & Co. Ltd., Palk Rd., Wellingborough
Cox (Geo. J.) Ltd., Castle Works, Wellingborough
Craddock & Martin Ltd., 50 Park Rd., Wellingborough
Lattaway, E. S. & Co. Ltd., Blandford Works, Stanley Rd., Wellingborough
Norton Shoes Ltd., Grant Rd. and Cannon St., Wellingborough
Thompson, R. & Co. Ltd., 15a Park Rd., Wellingborough
Wellingborough Boot & Shoe Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Herriotts Lane, W'boro'
Yorke Bros. Ltd., Northampton Rd., Wellingborough
Austin (Luther) & Sons Ltd., Eastfield Rd, Wollaston
Bayes Bros. (Footwear) Ltd. Irchester Rd., Wollaston, W'boro' NN9 7RP
Griggs, R. & Co. Ltd. Wollaston
N.P.S. (Shoes) Ltd. Wollaston
Nutt, W. E. & Co. Ltd. Park St., Wollaston, Wellingborough NN9 7RR
Rivett (Septimus) Ltd. Wollaston
Shelton, G. W. & R. Ltd. Wollaston, Wellingborough, NN9 7QH