Two fresh cases of tuberculosis were reported by Dr. G. B. Lord at the meeting of Rushden After-Care Committee on Monday. Seven Rushden people are now receiving treatment at the Sanatorium and grant of milk have been renewed to 29 patients and to the families of eight.
Coun. W. E. Capon (treasurer) reported that £27 2s. 1d. had been received from the St. Cecilia Singers and accounts for supplies to patients, totalling £38 15s. 10d., were passed for payment. This brought the balance to £111 1s.
Arrangements for the Christmas seal sale were announced by Mrs. Wood, and it was reported that it was hoped to arrange a shop window display of patients’ work in November.
The resignation of Mr. B. V. Page was accepted, and it was agreed to ask the Adult School for another representative. Mr. Graves, Mr. Tyler, Mrs. Smith and Miss Lyman were appointed visitors to the Sanatorium for October.
The Rev. H. Kenyon, who presided, reported on the autumnal conference of the County T.B. Care Committee.