Rushden and District AirWays Groupwas recently formed in 2008 by local patients and carers of COPD sufferers. (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Desease)
We meet in the afternoons of the second Monday of each month for a social and a talk by various people on fields of medicine, the community or any topic of interest to our members plus a gentle optional 'workout' given by a physiopherapist from the Kettering General Hospital Rocket team who specialise in COPD related ailments.
Light refreshments for a nominal £1.00 and raffle tickets are available to help subsidise funds, for future social events.
We now meet at Rushden Town Bowling Club,
144 Northampton Road,
Rushden NN10 6AN
at 3-5pm on the second Monday
of each month. [updated 2013]
Various social activities may be held during the year on extra dates to those shown.
If you're a sufferer from......
or any breathing conditionand would like to meet new friendsand participate in future socialactivities please feel free to comealong to one of our meetings,
at Rushden Town Bowling Club, where a warmwelcome is assured.
For more information please contact George on
or email: