Wellingborough News, 18th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
A GREAT DISCOVERYHundreds have been cured of Tooth Ache, Tic and Neuralgia by the use of THE NEURALGIA ANTIDOTE. Price 1s. 1½d. and 2s. 9d. per bottle. Prepared only by O. E. TREZISE, at the Pharmacy, 14 and 15, Church Street, Wellingborough.(Advert)
Wellingborough News, 22nd August 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins
DENTISTRYIt will be seen by our advertising columns that Mr. C. M. Duplock, late of London, and now of Granby-street, Leicester, visits Rushden regularly. Mr. Duplock is a son-in-law of Mr. John Cave, and has made a name in dental science. From among many testimonials and press notices, we take the following extract from a Leicester contemporary:"The old-fashioned method of gripping a molar with iron pincers, and dragging the man round the room till he and the tooth parted company, has now a delightful anti-thesis; for cocaine brings the mingled raging of dread and pain to passive subjection, and the offending tooth is whipped out by delicate leverage in the twinkling of an eye. Or, if oblivion to all the unpleasant process be preferred, gas and ether are brought to play their part in inducing somnolency. Mr. Duplock comes here with the highest credentials, and his surgery and workshops are fitted with the newest appliances."
The Argus, 27th January 1893
Local Intelligence Mr. C. M. Duplock, Dental Surgeon, 62, Granby-street, Leicester.
Modern and Painless Dentistry at moderate charges.
No extras. Estimates and advice free. All cases guaranteed.
High-street, Rushden, Thursdays 9.0 to 11.30 a.m.
Rushden Echo, 1st January 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
Teeth and HealthIf you would preserve your health, look carefully to the condition of your mouth. If in doubt as to the state of your teeth, consult Mr Ching.28 High Street, Rushden.
Rushden Echo, 3rd March 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins
Dental Extraction by the application of local anesthesia is absolutely painless. Therefore, there need be no anxiety in the minds of prospective patients. Consult Mr. A. M. Willson Fenton, 28, High-street, Rushden, for further advice.
Rushden Echo, 18th August 1916
To Be Physically Fit it is absolutely essential that you have the compliment of teeth, and that the mouth should be hygienic in every way. Make an appointment with Mr. Willson-Fenton, 28, High-street, Rushden. Attendance daily.
Rushden Echo, 22nd September 1916, transcribed by Peter Brown
EPIDEMICS The presence of imperfect teeth renders one liable to all manner of infectious diseases. Mr Willson-Fenton, dental surgery, 28, High-street, Rushden (over Messrs Webb Bros.), can make your teeth perfect and so enable you to resist epidemics of disease.
The Rushden Echo Friday May 9th 1919, transcribed by Susan Manton
Back Again We are pleased to welcome back to civil life Mr. A. M. Wilson-Fenton, dentist, of Rushden who, it will be remembered, left for service abroad in the middle of 1917. He was originally in the 2/4th Battn. of the East Kent Regiment (The Buffs), but whilst in Belgium was transferred during the month of September to the 1/6th Royal Warwicks. With them he had his first experience of the firing line, and was recommended and promoted for company-running under fire. In November 1917, his particular division made a hurried journey into Italy on the occasion of the Italian retreat and he saw service on the Lower Piave. In March, 1918, having transferred into the Machine Gun Corps, he was sent to the Asiago Plateau, and spent the rest of the time with his unit there. During the war he acted in a voluntary capacity in his profession of dentistry when his particular unit was out at rest. He has now resumed his practice at his surgery, no. 28 High Street Rushden.
An advert from 1919