Rushden Echo, 4th August 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins
Two Plucky Rescues from Drowning
Rushden Boy Scout’s Bravery Life-saving Some remarkably plucky rescues from drowning have been made this week by a Rushden scout named George Sharp, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp, of 170, Wellingborough-road, Rushden.
Scout George Sharp
The Argus Newspaper
It appears that Sharp, who celebrated his 18th birthday yesterday week, was bathing near Ditchford island on Tuesday when he heard a brother scout named Hooton calling for help. Sharp at once swam to Hooton’s assistance, and held his head above water, but finding that Hooton was too heavy for him to get him up the bank without help he called for assistance, which was forthcoming from a Podington young man, who, we understand, is employed at the Co-operative Bakery. Between the two of them Hooton was got on to dry land little worse for his experience.
On the next day Sharp’s abilities as a swimmer again proved of value. He was bathing in the same spot, and suddenly heard a scout named Walter Woodhams, whose parents reside in Duck-street, Rushden, shouting for help. The lad had got out of his depth, and Sharp at once swam to him, and succeeded in holding him up. In the meantime the attention of a young man named Hewitt, of Windmill-road, Rushden, and who was bathing near at hand, had been attracted to the pair, and he at once swam towards them. When he reached them he advised Sharp to let go of Woodhams, which he did. Just as Hewitt caught hold of Woodhams, he commenced to kick and struggle, and his would-be rescuer, after twice being forced under, was compelled to relinquish his hold. Woodhams then went down, but Hewitt pluckily dived, and swimming under water found the lad at the bottom of a 7 foot hole. He brought him to the surface and got him to the bank.
Since his participation in the above-mentioned life-saving exploits, Scout Sharp has met with an accident. He went to his parents’ shop to light the gas stove. Inadvertently the gas had been left turned on, and a s a result an explosion took place, which burnt off Sharp’s eyebrows and some of his hair. Scout Sharpe’s father fought in the Boer War and about 18 months ago again offered his services to the country. He is now in the Beds Regt., and stationed at Landguard. Scout Sharp learned to swim when but ten years of age.