Meetings of the Wellingborough Subdivision Militia 1803
NRO Ref: X269/7c Introduction Returns of Inrollment - 13 Jan 1803
Northamptonshire to wit: At the fourth Subdivision Meeting of the Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace acting for Wellingborough Subdivision in the said County for carrying into execution an Act of Parliament passed in the forty second year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the third for amending the Laws relating to the Militia in England and for augmenting the Militia held at the Hind Inn in Wellingborough aforesaid the thirteenth day of January One thousand eight hundred and three the several Persons following having been duly chosen by Lot to serve in the Militia for the said County did appear and then take the Oath prescribed by Law for balloted Men to take and were inrolled to serve in the Militia of the said County as private Militia Men for the term of five years in this Roll that is to say:
NRO Ref: X269/9g 30 Jun 1803
At this meeting the Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace then present appointed the Number of Men to serve for each Parish and Place as under mentioned
Higham Park the chance of one man
Newton Bromswold the chance of one man
Rushden one man with the chance of another
(signed) A E Young Dep. Lt.
Robt Wright J.P.