The Rushden Echo and Argus, 12th June 1931, transcribed by Gill Hollis |
Rushden Urban District Council
Proposal to Include Newton Bromshold and Higham Park
County Council’s Suggestion Under Local Government Act |
The first proposals of the County Council, so far as Rushden is concerned, in connection with the rearrangements of county districts under the Local Government Act, 1929, were disclosed at the monthly meeting of the Rushden Urban District Council on Wednesday. The suggestion is to include in the Urban District of Rushden, the parishes of Newton Bromshold and Higham Park, at present in the Wellingborough Rural District. The matter was referred to the chairman and vice-chairman of the Council and members were assured that no steps would be taken without a special meeting of the Council being called. Mr. J. Spencer, J.P., referred to information the Council would want to know before taking any action. A letter was received from the Clerk to the County Council stating that the Committee had now carefully considered the information supplied to them by the Council, and as a result they put forward the following tentative proposals with regard to Rushden, namely that the boundary of the urban district be extended by the inclusion of the rural parishes of Newton Bromshold and Higham Park now in the existing Wellingborough Rural District. The letter asked the Council to consider the proposals and to forward any observations, while it was stated that it was the intention of the County Council to consult orally with representatives of the Council on any relevant points. Mr. T. Wilmott said there was no resolution in regard to that item. He would like to draw the attention of the members to the fact that they were not to be absorbed by Higham Ferrers! They had however got a chance of having some of Higham Higham Park! “I may say,” he added, “that after discussion the chairman and vice-chairman of the Council were nominated to deal with the matter and bring it before us when necessary.” Mr. Spencer said he thought they would have had a fuller report, or have had the letter from the County Council read to them. In connection with the area the County Council suggested they should take over, he would like to know the length of the roads, whether they would want a water supply, the state of the houses, and if they were compelled to build new houses, whether they would obtain the usual grant for rural houses. (Such a building grant is larger in rural districts than in urban). “Not A Free Hand” Mr. Claridge noted that the matter was to be left to the chairman and vice-chairman. The chairman: The Committee resolved to nominate the chairman and vice-chairman to attend any conference which might be called, but you may be quite sure that before we go a special meeting of the Council would be called to consider what they should do; we should not go with a free hand. They would want to look up the acreage and the houses in Higham Park he thought there were two and also count the houses in Newton. Before any action would be taken or a delegation attended a conference, a meeting would be called, probably in committee, for the delegates to receive a direct message to give to the county authorities. The matter was not being shelved. “You may be sure,” concluded Mr. Perkins, “that the County Council will never be in any great hurry in any matter they have to do!” In connection with the list of applicants for Council houses, the Housing Committee reported that the present list, which was printed in 1926, was in need of revision, and they recommended the Council that a new list should be prepared by the collector’s Department to be printed and circulated amongst the members of the Committee This was approved. The chairman of the Housing Committee reported that a further 20 houses would be ready shortly for occupation and that the Committee had elected 19 tenants and reserved one for further consideration. The Parks and Hall Committee reported that they had appointed a Sub-committee to consider draft-bye-laws in respect of the various parks in the town. Teas at The Hall The Hall Committee also reported that they had considered the question of the provision of refreshments at the Hall, and they recommended the Council to allot the room next to the conservatory for the purpose. In connection with Rushden Hall, the Hall Committee recommended (1) that Mr. T. Roberts be appointed as caretaker of the Hall grounds, with residence in the Porter’s Lodge; (2) that the Porter’s Lodge be renovated at a cost of £7 7s The recommendations were approved. The Council were also recommended to advertise, inviting applications from caterers for the sole right of supplying such refreshments, to include tobacco and minerals, but to exclude ice-cream. The Council approved the recommendation. The Council accepted an offer, on the recommendation of the Hall Committee, from Mr. G. C. Townsend for permission to graze about half an acre of the Park at the rear of his premises, and also about 2½ acres at the south-east corner of the Park, and offering £10 per annum for the privilege. The chairman said this would not interfere with the pleasant walk round the estate. There was only one drawback in the walk, he said, and that was the iron staircase, which was no use to anyone with rheumatism! He had mentioned it to the Surveyor and probably something would be done in the future. The Council agreed that during June, July and August the Hall grounds should be closed at 9 p.m. Mr. T. Wilmott raised the question of the time of closing the Hall grounds and mentioned the hour of 10 p.m. He asked for the matter to be considered by the Hall Committee. The chairman said it would receive attention. The Parks Committee recommended that the gardener Mr. Pettit should be authorised to expend a sum not exceeding £10 in the purchase of plants, etc. Mr. Claridge suggested that there would be no need to purchase flowers for the cemetery; they might be grown in the Hall grounds. Mr. Spencer, chairman of the Committee, said there were not sufficient flowers at the Hall. The chairman said flowers grown there, if sufficient, would naturally be shared amongst the gardens in the town, although no special provision was made. Mr. Perkins drew attention to the fact that the sum was not to exceed £10. The recommendation was approved. A letter was received by the Hall Committee from the committee of the Blind and Crippled Children’s Fete, asking the Council to reconsider their decision not to grant permission for the fete to be held at the Hall grounds. The Clerk was instructed to reply that while appreciating the efforts and sympathising with the objects of the Fund, the Committee regretted that they could not see their way to recommend the Council to depart from their previous decision. The Bandstand A letter was received from the Rushden Labour Party and Trades Council urging the Council to provide facilities for the holding of public meetings, irrespective of party, sect, or creed, in the newly acquired park of Rushden Hall. The application was not acceded to. An application was received from the Rushden Temperance Band for permission to hold a garden fate in the Hall grounds on July 11th. The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Hall Committee could not accede to the application, and to state that there would be no objection to their using Spencer Park for the purpose. The Council granted an application from the Rushden Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd., for permission to assemble a children’s procession in Spencer Park, and to hold children’s sports in Jubilee Park as last year. Presenting the report on behalf of the Committee, Mr. Spencer said there were a series of applications for the use of the Hall grounds, which the Committee had carefully considered, but in each case they had suggested some other place. The Hall committee reported that they had again considered plans for the erection of a bandstand in the Hall grounds and had generally approved a plan prepared by the Surveyor, but had instructed him to make one or two alterations, and they would consider the matter at the next meeting. Rectory Road Car Park On the recommendation of the Plans, Highways and Lighting Committee, plans were approved as follows:- House in Newton-road for Mr. H. H. Bates; house and shop in Newton-road for Mrs. Howland; bungalow in Wellingborough-road for Mr. A. Allebone; two houses in Wymington-road for Messrs. Hadaway and J. A. Bailey (subject to the drains being separately connected with the sewer). Plans for seven cottages off Carnegie-street for Mr. Jack Joyce were referred back for the chairman of the Committee and the Surveyor to confer with Mr. Joyce; also a plan for a shop with flat over, in High-street South, for Mrs. A. Deighton, which was referred to the county Surveyor. Mr. T. Wilmott, chairman of the Committee drew attention to the fact that all the plans had not been passed. A letter was received from Mr. John Hind, asking the Council to give him permission to act as car attendant at the Rectory-road car-park. The Highways Committee recommended that the Council made themselves in no way responsible for the cars or their contents. Mr. Green: Is a charge to be made, or will the man rely upon the generosity of the motorist? He cannot enforce a charge I take it? The chairman: No charge is to be made, and the man will have to put on a pleasant appearance when people come to take their cars away. The Council are also taking no responsibility in the matter. After the resolution had been moved, Mr. Allen said he was prepared to second if the scheme were a trial one for six months. This was agreed to and the resolution carried with this addition. Duck Street Property The chairman remarked that they did not want half a dozen people, as happened in the old days, rushing out of public houses to hold the horses’ heads! Mr. Tysoe: I suppose the tips will form his salary. The Surveyor stated in reference to the means of escape in case of fire at the factory of Messrs. F. Skeeles and Co., that minor alterations were required which the firm were quite willing to carry out, and he was authorised to report to the Plans Committee when the works were completed. The Sanitary Inspector submitted his monthly report to the Health and Sanitary Committee giving details of visits, inspection and nuisances dealt with: The Medical Officer’s monthly report was also received. The Council granted an application from the proprietor of the Queen Victoria Hotel for a licence to store 500 gallons of petrol on his premises, and also one from the proprietors of the Spencer Park garage, for a licence to store an additional 500 gallons of petrol in an underground tank. The special Sub-committee appointed by the Health and Sanitary Committee reported that with the Sanitary Inspector they had inspected certain property in Duck-street, and submitted a list of repairs which in their opinion would make the property habitable. The Sub-committee were requested to interview the owner with a view to the work being carried out. The Cemetery Sub-committee reported that they had accepted a tender for £25 for fencing the east side of the new footpath connecting Harborough-road and Pightles Terrace. Road Scavenging The seal of the Council was affixed to the annual agreement with the County Council for the scavenging of the county roads in the urban district by the Council. The chairman reported that an invitation had been received by the Council and officials to attend the fete in the Hall grounds on Saturday, in aid of the funds of the Tuberculosis After Care Committee, to be opened by Lord Henley, C.A. Mr. Perkins said he would like to make an appeal through the Press, for a display of flags and bunting on the day, particularly on the route from Spencer Park to the Hall, so that Rushden might look at its brightest and best. They were al interested in the work of the Tuberculosis After Care Committee and were anxious for the fete to be successful. The Clerk suggested that the members meet at the platform in the grounds. Mr. Capon said there would be room on the platform for the members of the Council. The invitation was accepted. The members present were: Messrs. L. Perkins, M.B.E., J.P., B.Sc., (in the chair), J. Roe (vice-chairman), T. Swindall, J. Spencer, J.P., W. E. Capon, F. T. B. Newberry, J. Hornsby, F. Green, C. Claridge, A. Wilmott, T. Wilmott, C. W. Horrell, C.A., L. Tysoe, J. T. Richardson, G. W. Coles, J.P., J. Allen, A. Allebone, C.C., D. G. Greenfield, M.D., with the Clerk, Mr. G. S. Mason, the Surveyor, Mr. J. W. Lloyd, and the Sanitary Inspector, Mr. F. S. F. Piper. |