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Photos and article by Paul Wright, November 2015
Demolition 2015

The demolition of the former Claridge's shoe factory began in early November 2015, and this took place over a two week period.

Previous use was by J H Oberman & Sons Electrical Contractors, who used to do work in the various shoe factories in the town. The final commercial use of the building was by Stromag Ltd, who were part of the massive GKN group of companies.

The site clearance was carried out by Mick George Ltd, who have numerous operation bases locally in Northamptonshire.

back facade and house
The back area of the factory
The facade and the house
well under way
last part
the last piece to go
almost gone....
final piece
all gone
and just the arch and above....
all gone................

rear c1970
(above left) The rear of 'Brookside' during demolition 2015

Photo by John Collins
Window panel rescued doorway of the house adjoining the
factory (white framed door in the picture above)

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