Wellingborough News, 29th August 1902, transcribed by Kay Collins
The Public Library for Rushden - Adoption of the Free Libraries' Act A special meeting of the Rushden Urban Council was held in the Vestry Hall on Wednesday evening to adopt the Public Libraries' Act of 1892. The meeting only lasted about five minutes. The Vice-chairman (Mr. J. S. Clipson) presided, and at the outset explained the circumstances which called the members together that evening. It was only a formal matterthe adoption of the Public Libraries' Act of 1892. They had received a gift from Mr. Carnegie, and the first step was the adoption of this Act. He proposed "that the Urban District Council of Rushden adopt the Public Libraries' Act, 1892."
Mr. John Claridge seconded, and the decision was unanimous.The Chairman further proposed that an advertisement be inserted in the local newspapers, and that the clerk be instructed to forward a copy of the resolution to the Local Government Board.This was seconded by Mr. Ballard and carried.