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Shoe & Leather News
Biographical Directory 1916

Eaton & Co. Trade mark “Northampton”

Some six years ago Messrs. Eaton & Co. began business in a small way, but two years ago they built a fine new factory and fitted it with all the latest and best machinery. The capacity is 4,000 per week, and being on the one floor system the firm are able to take every advantage of space and produce their goods with the minimum of trouble.

Mr. Harry Eaton and Mr. Frank Eaton are experts in shoe manufacture, and turn out some very fine goods. They do a large shipping trade and have an important connection in South Africa, India and the Colonies. Before the war they produced best and medium class goods in the smartest styles and newest shapes in welted M.S., F.S. and stitched. They give great attention to Field Boots and Riding Boots, and make a specialty of these goods. At the moment they are busily engaged on Mounted Service Boots, British Regulation, Cossacks and Italians for the British and Allied Governments, besides Naval half boots and shoes. The “Northampton” Brand is well known and appreciated in the trade, and the firm are able to produce such goods as look smart, wear well, and satisfy all and sundry.

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