Rushden Argus, 2nd October, 1914, transcribed by John Collins
Blankets—Up to Thursday afternoon we have forwarded from the “Rushden Argus” and “Evening Telegraph” office at Rushden 32 blankets from Rushden people to the British soldiers.
Blankets—On the suggestion of Mr F Newberry, of the “Compass,” a meeting was held at the Rifle Band Club on Monday, when representatives of the various clubs of the town were present. Mr A W Neville presided. Mr Newberry said he would be pleased to give a case of cutlery, value £10 10s., as a prize for a corresponding number competition arranged to obtain funds for the purchase of blankets and clothing for the men at the front. The offer was gratefully accepted and Messrs F Wright and G W Coleman were appointed joint secs., with Mr E Whitworth president.
Rushden Argus, 9th October, 1914, transcribed by John Collins
Blankets, etc. - The local number of blankets, rugs, and socks for the soldiers, which have been forwarded from the "Evening Telegraph" and "Rushden Argus" Offices, High-street, is as follows: 64 blankets, two rugs, and 32 pairs of socks.
Belgian Fund - The employees of Messrs Walter Sargent and Co. have collected £2 2s. 6d for blankets for the troops, but as they are no longer required the money will be given for the Belgian Relief Fund.
Rushden Echo, 23rd October 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins
The One Thing "Tommy" Asks For — A Kindly Act at Rushden
Miss E E Margetts, of Crabb-street, Rushden, has thoughtfully collected the sum of £6/6/0/ for tobacco and cigarettes for the soldiers—the one thing they ask for. This sum has been sent to the proprietors of "The War Illustrated," who themselves contribute a shilling pipe for each 5/0 contributed. Everything is done through the War Office, and is thus duty free, so that the 6 guineas will buy from 12 to 18 guineas' worth of tobacco, etc. At Miss Margetts' request, the goods are being sent to the Northants Regiment.
Rushden Echo, 23rd October 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins
Making Soldiers Happy - What Rushden People Have Done Mr. C. H. Knight, of Rushden, has received the following letter from the Rev. C. M. Chavasse (chaplain of H.M. Forces), in acknowledgement of a parcel of cigarettes, which were subscribed for by Mr. Knight’s customers. He writes: “Dr. Greenfield has handed to me the big box of cigarettes you sent. I am the chaplain to the hospital, and it is one of my jobs to give out cigarettes. I cannot tell you how grateful I am, as English cigarettes are to come by, and yet more appreciated by the wounded soldier than anything else. He comes to us in great pain and with no money, a really pitiable sight, but so cheerful and brave, and crying out for an ‘English fag.’ You will know then that every box has made a soldier happy for a day, and you may be sure that I shall tell them from whom they come, and this thought for them by those at home does much to comfort them for their sufferings. I thank you on behalf of the wounded Tommy.”
Rushden Echo, 27th November 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins
“Nuts, Sweets, and Sausage Rolls” Appreciated at the Front Driver Frank Griffith, A.S.C. (Rushden) sends a letter of gratitude from the front, thanking his parents for a parcel of eatables. He says:- “The cakes went down very good and the soup was much appreciated, likewise the nuts, apples, and sweets, not forgetting the sausage rolls. Of course I had to let my two pals try them.” He had made a sketch of a German helmet at the bottom of his letter.
Rushden Echo, 26th November 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
For the Boys in France—Christmas presents which are needed: Warm socks, thick lined gloves, good flannel shirts, etc., from Page and Ladds, outfitters, High-street, Rushden.
Rushden Echo, 26th November 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
The Soldiers at the front write to us that they want lead pencils. Will some kindly disposed people help us to send them? We can send to the Northants or Bedfordshire Regiments, to the R.W.F.’s, or to the Herefords. For every shilling sent to the “Echo” Office, Rushden, we will forward 18 penny pencils. All contributions will be acknowledged in the “Rushden Echo”.
Rushden Echo, 7th January 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
The Northamptonshire Military Hospital
Appeal For Cakes - To the Editor of the Rushden Echo
Dear Sir, -- During the coming months of March, July and November, if the War should last so long, the people of Rushden, together with all the towns and villages in East Northants, are invited to supply the large new Northamptonshire Military Hospital of over 1,300 beds (under the “Provision of Comforts Committee”) with cakes for the wounded soldiers who otherwise will be un-provided for in this respect. For this purpose a sub-committee in each of the four divisions of the County, North, South, Mid, and East, has been appointed to organize and make the necessary arrangements, each division being entirely responsible for the months allotted to them. East Northants has been given the months already mentioned, and Miss Mannsell, Thorpe Malsor Hall, Miss Simpson, Of Chelveston, and myself have been put upon the sub-committee for the same, and we take this opportunity of asking for all the cordial help in Rushden that kindness and sympathy with the cause may prompt.
We propose to ask eight ladies in the town to guarantee 25 cakes a week, but as we are held responsible for 1,000 cakes from the East Division altogether weekly, we shall be grateful to Rushden for as many as can be mustered (towns already possessing V.A.D. hospitals are not expected to help as much as those without).
Would any lady willing to be one of the eight collectors kindly communicate with me as soon as possible? I shall be glad to answer any enquiries and to give any information in my power. The arrangements for packing and forwarding to the military hospital are not yet completed.
Yours faithfully,
Rushden Hall.
P.S. -- It is thought best to ask for cakes and not for money to buy them.
Rushden Argus, 26th October 1917
How Girl Guides are Providing Soldiers’ Comforts
Some of Rushden’s erergetic Girl Guides, who have been seriously collecting waste paper and selling it to send gifts to the boys at the front. This is the second collection, and, as will be seen, success has again attended their efforts. Previously they sold 12 cwts 1 quarter, and purchased cigarettes, which they sent to the 6th Northants. This consignment would be about the same weight, and will also furnish comforts for our boys in the trenches. The girls are in charge of Lieut. Smith, Spencer-road, Rushden.