Higham Ferrers Borough Council by kind permission of the Town Clerk, From the archive of Moyra Simmons Transcribed and presented by Greville Watson 2012
Souvenir of the 700th Anniversary of the
First Borough Charter
and of the Festival of Britain 1951
Freemen of the Borough
The first Freedoms of modern times presented to
Owen Parker, Esq., C.B.E., J.P., C.C., and Alderman Thomas Patenall, Silver Jubilee Day, 1935
Owen Parker, Esq., C.B.E., J.P., C.C., had been Mayor eight times, and was made a Freeman of the Borough in May, 1935, on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the late King George V. A member of the Council for about 35 years, and an Alderman, Mr. Parker was also M.P. for the Kettering Division in 1923. He died in 1936.
Alderman Thomas Patenall, who had been Mayor thirteen times, was a member of the Council for over 50 years, and was made a Freeman at the same time as Mr. Owen Parker. He was also a member of the School Board and chairman for many years. Alderman Patenall died in 1938.
Alderman Frank Walker, J.P.,
was made a Freeman in September, 1943. During his 50 years’ membership of the Council, Mr. Walker has been Mayor five times. Mr. Walker served on the School Board for 52 years and succeeded Alderman Thomas Patenall as Chairman of the Managers. He was a member of the Water Board from its inception and had been Chairman several times.
Alderman Frank Walker, J.P.
Freeman, 1943
Presentation of the Honorary Freedom of the Borough
To Alderman Harry Rollins Patenall, C.C.,
Alderman John William Barker
John White, Esquire
Saturday, June 2nd, 1951, on the Market Square at 2.30 p.m.
Alderman H. R. Patenall, C.C.
Alderman J. W. Barker
Alderman Harry Rollins Patenall, C.C., has been a member of the Town Council for 31 years and has been Mayor five times. He has represented the Higham Ferrers Division on the Northamptonshire County Council for 15 years. Alderman Patenall has been a member of the local Education Authority for a number of years, and is now Chairman of that body; he is also a member of the Area Hospital Management Committee. He is the son of the late Alderman Thomas Patenall, one of the first Freeman of the Borough in modern times, and who was Mayor 13 times.
Alderman John William Barker has been a member of the Council for 28 years, and has been Mayor four times. He has been a member of the Higham Ferrers and Rushden Water Board for a number of years, and is the chairman of that body again this year. He is also vice-chairman of the local Education Authority.
John White, Esq., founder of the Boot Manufacturing Business which bears his name, has been and is a great benefactor to the town. He restored the Chichele Grammar School internally, gave £10,000 to the town for a new Town Hall, but owing to the inability to build the money was transferred for the building of nine bungalows for aged people. Mr. and Mrs. White gave the Chains for the Mayoress and Deputy Mayoress. Mr. White is now to have the old Coffee Tavern and the old Post Office restored as a gift to the Council for various uses.