This register is three early books bound together and it is in fair condition. Many entries are lost due to several pages gone from the start & end of the earliest part of the register and several damaged pages. Only 4 entries are recorded for 1660-1668. In the register the first section is baptisms followed by marriages and burials to 1653, the next section is mixed entries 1653-1660 and the final section has whole pages of sorted events. In the burials for 1575-78 a few entries are recorded as baptised and some have the word baptised crossed out and overwritten buried, all these are transcribed as burials. From 1708 to 1725 a cross check has been made with the Bishop’s Transcripts.
Near the end of the register, following the 1725 burials, there are some details about the tythes and lands within the fields of the parish. A full transcript has been made.
Thanks go to Eleanor Winyard of the Record Office for her dedicated help in reading the faded entries, some details remain unreadable even with the aid of the ultra violet lamp.
The later registers are all easily read and all those deposited at Northamptonshire Record Office have been transcribed. The later registers remain at the church. [as at 2005]
All common forenames e.g. William, John, Thomas, Mary, Elizabeth, have been spelt in the modern English form and expanded if contracted in the register, but less common forenames and all surnames are spelt as in the original. The forenames in the details column are usually contracted and a list of these contractions and other abbreviations used follows. Before 1752 the year is upgraded for January/March.