An accident, fortunately not attended with any very serious consequences, occurred on Saturday to Mr. G. Brooksby, of 6, Pemberton-street. It appears that Mr. Brooksby was standing at the top of a ladder painting some of the woodwork on Messrs. Eaton and Co.’s new factory in Irchester-road, when, owing to the ladder breaking, he was precipitated to the ground from a height of about 20 feet. Mr. Robert Marriott, for whom the injured man works, was present at the time and rendered all the assistance in his power. Subsequently Mr. Brooksby was conveyed to Dr. Baker’s surgery in Mr. C. Bennett’s side-car, and it was found that he had sustained a badly sprained ankle and that his thigh was extensively bruised. Attention was given to him and he was then conveyed home, where he was subsequently seen by his own doctor. |