Rushden Echo, 25th June 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
Promotion for Rushden Teacher
We are pleased to report that Mr. G. F. Smythem, formerly a teacher at the Rushden National Schools, who enlisted in the Army Ordnance Corps last September, has now been promoted staff-sergeant.
Horace Twelvetree - Royal Naval Flying Corps |
The Rushden Echo, 20th August, 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Soldier Promoted - A Flare-Up Shortly
Corporal E. Darnell (Rushden) writes from the front as follows:-
“Dear Sir, - With the greatest of pleasure I write these few lines because I think it is my duty to thank you very much for the “Rushden Echo” I have received every week since I have been out here – twelve months on the 13th August – and I fancy it will be another twelve months yet, though I hope not. I have had about enough of it. I see in your paper dated August 6th some well-known faces who have sacrificed their lives for King and Country. Thank God, I have pulled through all right so far. My work does not consist of trench work all the time, the same as these poor fellows. I am now and again with communication and plenty of work during the moves of various divisions and brigades or army corps, consisting chiefly of airline and cable and motor dispatch riding – rough life at times, but very healthy when fine, without rain. I see all the soldiers have left Rushden to do their bit – jolly good luck to them – and no doubt the good whole-hearted Rushden people miss them. No doubt during their stay they helped the trades people considerably. I was made corporal some five months ago and I am expecting some further promotion shortly, and also expect to be home on leave very soon. Out here, so it seems, it is not the usual French summer – hot, cold, and rain – as it seems turned about, but, never mind, we are still smiling. Everything seems quiet this last few days, but I expect there will be a flare up shortly. I am still Signals Cavalry Corps. Wishing you all and your paper every possible success.”
The Rushden Echo, 20th August, 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden County Cricketer - Obtains His Commission
Mr. Don Denton, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Denton, of Eastfields, Rushden, has obtained his commission, and is now attached to the West Kents, stationed at Oxted, in Surrey. Mr. Denton leaves for his regiment to-morrow (Saturday). He is a younger brother of the famous cricketing twins, J. S. and W. H. Denton, and has himself played for the Northants County Club.
Rushden Echo, 27th August 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
Promotion – For Rushden Ambulance Man
Private T. S. Attley, of Rushden, a member of the Ambulance Brigade, who joined the R.A.M.C. last autumn and has been doing good work at the Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich, has been promoted to be full sergeant.
The Rushden Echo, 29th October, 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Commission for Rushden Teacher
Mr. G. F. Smythem, formerly assistant master at the National Schools, Rushden, who enlisted in the Army Ordnance Corps in September, 1914, as an ordinary private, has now been made full lieutenant. For about three months prior to his obtaining his commission Lieut. Smythem held the rank of Staff-Sergeant.
Lieut. Smythem, who went to France with his regiment a few weeks ago, received his promotion on the field. He says that he greatly values the "Rushden Echo" weekly.
The Rushden Echo, 5th November 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Promotion for Rushden Soldiers
Pte. Leonard Sargent, son of Mr. Walter L. Sargent, boot manufacturer, of Rushden, has been promoted to be lance-sergeant.
Pte. Horace King, Portland-road, Rushden, has been promoted lance-sergeant.
Rushden Echo, 12th November 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
Royal Navy
Mr Robert Scrivener, of Rushden, has passed into the signalling class of the R.N. Division at the Crystal Palace.
Rushden Echo, 12th November 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
Promotion for Rushden Soldier
Pte. Robert Frisby (son of Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Frisby, of Victoria-road, Rushden), of the Royal Field Artillery, has been promoted bombardier. The promotion dates from November 9th.
Rushden Echo, 19th November 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
Promotion For Rushden Soldier
Corpl. B. Denton, 2nd Suffolks, son of Mr and Mrs Denton, 97 Cromwell-road, Rushden, has been promoted full sergeant.
Rushden Echo, 19th November 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
Promotion for Rushden Chemist
Mr. E. W. T. Howell, who was formerly assistant to Mr. C. Smith, pharmacist, of Rushden, and who enlisted in the R.A.M.C. a month ago, has been promoted sergeant. He is at present stationed at Warminster.
The Rushden Echo, 3rd December 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Promotion for Rushden Soldier
Mrs. J. H. Barker, 26 Sartoris-road, Rushden, has received the gratifying news that her husband, who is at the Dardanelles with the 1/4th Northants Regt. has been promoted Company Quartermaster Sergt.
Company Quartermaster Sergt. Barker is well known in Rushden, as before he was called up with the Territorials on active service in August, 1914, he was gymnasium instructor at Newton-road evening continuation schools, Rushden, and also served in a similar capacity at the Athletic Club, Rushden. At the time he was called up he was a lance-corporal, and just before leaving England was given the rank of sergeant.
The Rushden Echo, 31st December 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Promotion for Rushden Sailor
Leading-Seaman Bert Howes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howes, of 8 Fitzwilliam-street, Rushden, has been transferred on account of his promotion to H.M.S. Dreadnought. He has been in His Majesty's Navy eight years, and for the past three years has been A.B. on H.M.S. King George V.
Mr. and Mrs. Howes have three other sons serving their country, Arthur being in the 5th Northants, and in France. Frank is in the 3rd Battalion county Regt., and billeted at Strood, and Ernest is on the H.M. Cruiser Lowestoft.
Mr. and Mrs. Howes's daughter, Miss Hilda Howes, is engaged in munition works at Luton.
Rushden Echo, 28th January 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Promotion for Rushden Soldier
Lance-Corpl. Leonard W. Sargent, 3/4th Northants Regt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Sargent, of Rushden, has been promoted to be lance-sergeant.
Rushden Echo, 28th January 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Promotion for Rushden Soldier
Gunner Harry F. Jaques, boot manufacturer, of Rushden, 59209, 4th Co. Royal Garrison Artillery, has been promoted to be bombardier. He is at Tynemouth castle, Northumberland, at the mouth of the River Tyne.
The Rushden Echo, 18th February 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Man’s Success in Wireless Telegraphy
Sec. A/M Horace Waring - Formerly of The “Rushden Echo” Staff
Heads his Section in Receiving Messages
It is will pleasure that we announce that Sec. A/M Horace Waring (Rushden, whose photograph we reproduce) of the Royal Flying Corps, has passed the Government examination in wireless telegraphy. Mr. Waring, who was for some years on the literary staff of the “Rushden Echo,” enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps to be trained as a wireless operator. After a course of military training at Farnborough, he went to the British School of Telegraphy, Clapham-road, London, where with others, he was trained in wireless work.
In an examination which took place recently, Mr. Waring gained 92 out of a possible 100 marks and headed the list of his section at speed in receiving massages. Consequently at the final examination which took place last week, he was put up with the first group to be tested and succeeded in passing.
Mr. Waring, who has left the Wireless School, is now in hospital suffering from a slight nervous breakdown. [see also below Feb 15th 1918]
Rushden Echo, 14 April 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins
Promotion – For Rushden Footballer
Mr E F Tomkins, of Rushden, the Northampton Town F.C.’s former half-back, who joined the Royal Flying Corps last summer, has just received promotion, having been appointed First Air Mechanic.
First A/M E F Tomkins is captain of his regimental football team, and by permission of his commanding officer is also playing for Southampton. According to the sporting papers, the “Saints” find the Northampton man an acquisition, as he retains his old form and is a great favourite with the crowd. First A/M Tomkins is a motor cyclist despatch rider of the R.A.S.M.T.
The Rushden Echo, 18th August 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Soldier Promoted
Congratulations fall this week to Lance-Cpl W. Linnitt (Rushden), of the 5th Northants (Pioneers), B.E. Force, who has been promoted to the rank of corporal. His relatives and friends and Rushden associates wish Cpl Linnett good health and a safe return home.
The Rushden Echo, 8th December, 1916
Soldier at Home - Gunner Hugh Ladds - Selected for a Commission
Gunner Hugh Ladds, Royal Garrison Artillery, son of Mr. Benjamin Ladds, boot manufacturer, of Rushden, is at home on a month’s leave, after five months’ service in France, and it is gratifying to know that he has been selected for a commission in the RGA. He enlisted 14 months ago. At the conclusion of his leave he will join a Cadet Unit for further training. Gunner Ladds is only 19 years of age, and it is, we believe, very unusual for one so young to receive a commission in the RGA.
While at the front he was under shell fire a few times. Much of his work was in connection with the signalling section. He was at the headquarters, about a mile and a half behind the firing line. Among other things he has seen a great deal of aerial activity, and has witnessed the bringing down of a lot of German aeroplanes, one being fetched down only the day before he came away.
The general feeling at the front, he says, is one of thorough optimism, the soldiers there being quite satisfied with the progress we are making. The spirit of the troops is excellent.
The Rushden Echo, 15th December, 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Seaman Promoted
Mr. J. E. Buckle, D.S.M. - Now a First-Class Petty Officer
Submarine Work
We are pleased to report that James Edward Buckle, D.S.M., of Rushden, son of Mrs. James Buckle, of 12, Co-operative-row, Rushden, has attained further success, having been promoted from Leading Seaman to first-Class Petty Officer.
It will be remembered that First-Class P.O. J. E. Buckle obtained his D.S.M. two years ago for his participation in the penetration of the Dardanelles and the sinking of the Turkish battleship “Mussidihia” by Submarine B11. He has now been transferred to H.M. Submarine E39, and has seen previous service on the submarines B3, A11, and B11.
He joined His Majesty’s Navy about ten years ago, prior to which time he was employed first by Mr. C. E. Knight and later by Mr. H. H. Hobbs. He expects to be home for Christmas. His relatives and friends will be gratified to hear of his continued success, as there is little doubt but that his heart is in his work, especially as the examinations he has had to pass to obtain his present rank are by no means a sinecure.
The Rushden Echo, 23rd February, 1917, transcribed by Gill Hollis
From Private to Lieutenant - Rushden Soldier’s Rapid Success
We have pleasure in reporting that Mr. J. Marshall Bailey, Int.B.Sc., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey, of Moor-road, Rushden, has been given a commission in the 3rd Northants Regiment.
Joining the 8th Northants in January, 1916, when he was only 18 years of age, he received his first stripe in about a week, and soon afterwards was made a sergeant. Last October he began a course of training with the 9th Officers Cadet Battalion in Scotland, and in the final examination he secured second place.
Lieut. Bailey was educated at the Northampton School, and was a member of the Cadet Corps in connection with that school.
Rushden Echo, March 30th 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins
Promotion—William Orpin, formerly footman at Rushden House, left for France on March 20th. He is serving in the King’s Royal Rifles, and, although he has only been in the Army for 16 months, has already risen to the rank of sergeant. We all wish him the best of luck, and a safe return.
Rushden Echo, 4th May 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins
Promotion—Corpl. Arthur Neal of the R.A.M.C., son of Mr. Charles Neal, Past Chief Ruler of the Rushden Tent of Rechabites, has been promoted to be sergeant. He enlisted in the autumn of 1915, and is only 20 years of age, his promotion having been rapid.
Rushden Argus, 29th June 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins
Promotion We have to congratulate Fred. Willmott, of the Royal Flying Corps, youngest son of Mr. A. Willmott, shoe manufacturer, Rushden, on receiving promotion. He joined up 18 months ago, and went to France in February, being given his stripe at once. Since then he has been made a sergeant, and is transferred to the Engineers.
The Rushden Echo, 29th June, 1917, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Promotion - Corporal Fred Wilmott - f the Royal Flying Corps Mr. A. Wilmott, shoe manufacturer, Rushden, has received the gratifying news that his youngest son Fred, of the Royal Flying Corps, has been promoted from corporal to full sergeant.CORPORAL FRED WILMOTT
Sergeant Wilmott enlisted about 18 months ago, and has twice been on the Western front, where he is at present stationed. It was in February last when he went out to France for the second time as a second Air Mechanic, but he immediately received promotion, since which time his rise in rank has been rapid.
Since his recent promotion to the rank of sergeant he has been transferred to another squadron, and is in command of the transport.
Rushden Argus, 5th October 1917
Rushden Soldier Gazetted Mr. H. H. Cowley, son of Mr. Fred Cowley, of High-street, Rushden, has been gazetted Second-Lieutenant, and attached to the Liverpool Regiment, South Wales. The young officer is 19 years of age.
Rushden Argus, 19th October 1917
We congratulate Wireless-Operator H. Wadsworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wadsworth, of Queen-street, Rushden, on passing out in wireless. He will shortly be going to sea on one of H.M. ships.
Rushden Argus, 19th October 1917
Military Medallist Promoted The news has arrived that Sergt. F. M. Watts, Canadian Scottish, has been promoted to a Second-Lieutenancy. Three weeks ago he came home for ten days, which he spent with his mother, Mrs. Watts, of 4 Alfred-street, Rushden. Early this year he won the Military Medal for bravery on the battlefield.
Rushden Echo, 9th November 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr. F. C. Bailey, of Rushden, who has been appointed second-engineer on one of H.M. rescue tugs, writes: “We are busy trying to counteract the dreadful deeds of the Hun submarines. This coast is terribly rough, and this is the smallest boat I been in since I went to sea four years ago. But when I read in the ‘Rushden Echo,’ which I get every week, about how some of my friends are laying down their lives, and just the ground for a bed, I cannot grumble, for I have always a bed to sleep in, though at times we do not get much sleep.”
Rushden Echo, 15th February 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
Appointment—Sec. A.M. Horace Waring, R.F.C., photographer, of Rushden, who was recently placed in charge of the photographic section at a squadron in - -, has now been appointed to a responsible post at the Wing Headquarters (over several squadrons).
Sergt. W. H. Pack
Rushden Argus, 1st March 1918
From the Ranks – Rushden Sergeant Wins a Commission We have to congratulate Mr. William Harold Pack, son of Mr. William Alfred Pack, of “Fernbank,” Rushden, on being gazetted to a commission in the Hampshires. Before the war he was three years in the Yeomanry, and joined the Army in January 1915. He quickly got his sergeant’s stripes, and went to France, where he has seen some exciting work. He is at present at Ipswich with his regiment.
Rushden Echo, 15th March 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden Soldier's Promotion
Mr. William Packwood of the Royal Flying Corps
Rapid promotion has been the experience of Mr. William Packwood, contractor, Newton-road, Rushden, since he joined the colours. He enlisted twelve months last Christmas, but owing to an outbreak of spotted fever and measles in his camp he was not posted to his present unit of the Royal Flying Corps until last May. He was at once made 1st A.M., and a fortnight later full corporal, owing to his good knowledge of motors. He underwent a course of instruction at the Leyland Motor Works, and on March 1st this year he was again promoted, being appointed Technical Sergeant in charge of the Motor Transport repair Section attached to the night flying squadron. Sergt. Packwood had made many flights.
Rushden Echo, 15th March 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
Second-Lieut. A. W. Holland, formerly of Rushden, has been promoted full lieutenant, and has now been placed on the staff at the War Office.
The Rushden Argus, 28th February 1919, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden Soldier Gains Commission
An official Gazette contains the name of Mr. Reginald W. Tompkins, of 136 Queen-street, Rushden, who is posted to a Second-Lieutenancy in the Northamptonshire Regt. Sec.-Lieut. Tompkins is the son of Mr. J. Tompkins, manager of Messrs. Wm. Green and Sons’ boot factory at Rushden. He was educated at Wellingborough School and Kettering Grammar School, joined the Artists’ Rifles on July 26th 1917; was transferred to No. 5 Officer Cadet Battalion, Trinity College, Cambridge, on May 10th 1918; and passed the War Office final examination on Sept. 24th last.