Rushden Echo, 15th January 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins
Northamptonshire Territorials Rushden, Higham, Irthlingborough and Raunds Men Return from the Camp
The Northamptonshire Territorials who had remained for the full fortnight’s training at Land guard camp returned on Sunday morning. They presented a tanned appearance, and seemed greatly improved by their experience. They have experienced probably the most useful training in the history of voluntary service, and the view is widely held that all the men should be encouraged to stay the whole period of the camp instead of returning after the first week.
The Battalion had to be about early on Sunday morning. Reveille was at 4a.m., and breakfast at 6.0. Tents were struck, and the camp was a scene of bustling activity and clearing up. The homeward train left Felixstowe beach at 7.10.
The M.R. Co. ran a special train from Cambridge via Kettering and Wellingborough, which reached Rushden about one o’clock. Thirty-four men alighted at Rushden, and the remainder (37) proceeded on to Higham Ferrers, Irthlingborough, and Raunds.
The total number who went from the district was 127, but 56 of the men returned a week ago.
The Rushden Echo, 26th November 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins
Territorials Dine at Rushden - A Brilliant Gathering
Last night the annual dinner, prize distribution, and smoking concert of the H Company 4th Battalion Northamptonshire Territorials took place at the Athletic Club, Rushden, and about 140 members of the company sat down to an excellent repast provided by Miss Wyldes and staff, of the Waverley Hotel. Mr. Rands, of the Oakley, provided the liquid refreshments. The large hall presented a gay appearance besplendent with the uniforms of the men and officers and gaily decorated with bunting.
Captain Dulley presided, and those present included CoL Ripley, Mr. G. H. Skinner, J.P., Captain Wyatt, Mr. Owen Parker, J.P., Mr. J. Shelmerdine, J.P. Mr. F. L. Heygate, Captain W. H. Jackson, Mr. T. H. Higgins, Mr. W. Spong, Lieut. A. H. Higgins, Corpl. G. A. McLeod, N.Y., Dr. H. S. Baker, Mr. S. Perkins, Dr. Greenfield, Mr. W. Hensman, Lieut. S. H. S. Cook, Captain H. St. J. Brown.
Letters of apology were received from Sir Arthur de Capell Brooke, Sir Chandos Leigh, the Ven. Arthur Kitchin, Lieut.-Col, Mulliner, Lieut.-Col Willoughby, Major Watkin, Col. Jackson, Col. Clark, Col. Hill, Col. Fawcett, Messrs. Herbert Dulley, P. C. Praed, C. R. Claridge, John Claridge, E. Claridge, F. Knight, George Miller, A. H. Sartoris. John Mason, W. Hirst Simpson, F. J. Simpson, G. S. Mason, and others.
After the loyal toast, Mr. R. Cox gave an amusing rendering of the song "The old bassoon."
Col. Ripley presented
The Prizes,
each prize-winner being the recipient of great applause. A full list of the prize-winners has already appeared in our columns.
Capt. Dulley, in presenting his annual report, said he must first, in the name of the Company, welcome their Colonel. (Applause.) The presence of Col. Ripley was a token to them of his continued goodwill to the Company. He also extended a hearty welcome to the visitors. Their presence showed that the sympathy of the district was with the Company. Continuing, the Captain paid a high tribute to his successor, Captain C. R. Claridge, for the efficiency of the Company. They had had a successful year. The
Strength of the Company
last year was 3 officers and 117 men. This year it was 3 officers and 130 men. In conclusion he ht thought the prospects of the Company were bright.
Mr. G. H. Skinner, J.P., in proposing: the toast of Col. Ripley, said that the Company had a commander whom they could love and respect. He (Mr. Skinner) was a Volunteer for some 20 years. He hoped Colonel Ripley would live to command the Regiment for a good many years.
Amid the hearty singing of "For he's a jolly good fellow" the toast was honoured.
Colonel Ripley, who received a tremendous ovation, said, in reply, that by the courtesy of Captain Dulley he was enabled to roll two speeches into one. He was greatly pleased with the turn out of the Company in camp. That spoke very highly of the kindness of the men's employers. He thanked Captain Dulley and the Company for their splendid work and Mr. Skinner for his kind speech.
At this juncture the challenge cups were filled, and each member of the Company and the visitors drank to the health of the prize-winners.
Songs were given by Messrs. R. Cox, J. Keys, and H. Woodhams, Mr. Geo. Farey efficiently accompanying.
Rushden Echo, 28th April 1911, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden and Higham Territorials
Orders for the Week “H” Company
The following are the Company Orders for next week:-
TuesdayRushden. Recruits’ training, 7.30.
ThursdayIrthlingborough. Recruits’ training, 7.30.
FridayCompany Training. Right half company at the Cross, 7.30. Left half company at Drill Hall, 7.30. Half company commanders will be instructed where to meet.
SaturdayMusketry. Right half company. Firing commences at 2.30 sharp. Brakes leave the Cross and Draper’s Stables at 1.30.
(Signed) W Dulley, Captain.
Rushden Echo, 7th August, 1914, transcribed by Gill Hollis
The Territorials
The Rushden contingent of the H Company Northants Territorials, numbering about 50 men, left Rushden yesterday on active service. Under the command of Quartermaster-Sergt. Perkins, Sergt. Beardsmore, and Corporals Barker and George, they assembled at the Railway Bridge at 9.15 a.m., and, headed by the Rushden Rifle Band, marched to Irthlingborough L. and N.W. Station, picking up en route the contingents from Higham Ferrers, Stanwick, Raunds, and Irthlingborough. Their destination was Northampton Barracks, from whence they will be sent to various military bases. Forty-one members of the company had volunteered for active service anywhere and wore the “Imperial Service” badge.
Col. Ripley Commands The “Terriers”
Col. Ripley has been re-appointed to the command of the 4th Battalion of the Territorials, and has had in consequence to resign from the Kettering District Council. The Colonel’s assumption of the command is very popular among the men, who are convinced of his military ability as well as his invariable courtesy. A Rushden “Terrier” on being informed of the appointment remarked: “That’s all right. He’s a gentleman, and has got some consideration for his men, he has.”
Rushden Echo, 7th August, 1914, transcribed by Gill Hollis
“God-Speed!” To The Terriers
When the local Territorials reached Higham yesterday morning the roll was called in the presence of a huge crowd.
Subsequently the men were addressed by Ald. Owen Parker, J.P., a member of the County Territorial Forces Association, who, on behalf of the district from which the men had been drawn, wished them good luck, good health, and God-speed in the work that lay before them. Probably most of them were called to the active service of their King and country for the first time, and their primary duty would probably be to protect the shores of their own country against the enemy. The citizens of the country would feel quite safe under their protection. It might be, in view of the great crisis with which the whole of Europe was faced, that they would be called to other duties and to make still greater sacrifices. If so, he was quite sure that they would loyally respond to any call which was made upon them. Such as were not called to arms in their country’s service also had their supreme duties to perform, and he pledged the district to watch the interests of those the men were leaving behind, and to see that they did not suffer through their prolonged absence from home. He rejoiced that they had responded to the call in such large numbers, and looked so fit and well and so determined to do their duty. He trusted that they would soon see them back again. (Applause.)
Quartermaster Segt. Perkins, responding on behalf of the Company, thanked Ald. Parker for so well expressing the good wishes of the Borough, and assured him that every man in the Company would strive to do his duty.
The march was then re-commenced, the men being accompanied to the Irthlingborough L. & N.W. Station by a huge concourse of people which became still larger when merged into the crowds which had there assembled from Raunds, Stanwick, Irthlingborough, etc., the interested and excited spectators finally numbering many thousands. The Irthlingborough Terriers were accompanied by the Town Band, and the Conservative Club Male Choir. On the platform the latter rendered two appropriate selections, viz., “The soldier’s farewell” and “Comrades in arms.”
As the train departed the bands struck up the National Anthem and vociferous cheering took place. The “Terriers” went away in excellent spirits.
Rushden Echo, 28th August, 1914, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Northants Territorials
The 4th Battalion of the Northants Regiment left Romford some days ago and have been marching to Bury St. Edmunds. They are undergoing very vigorous training, and for couple of days marched on bread and tinned beef. The men are in perfectly good spirits, and no complaints as to their rations have been made.
Rushden Argus, 16th October, 1914, transcribed by John Collins
With The Rushden “Terriers”
Mr. Oliver Claridge drove Mr. A. Baker and Mr. Arthur Cave to Woolpit, near Bury St. Edmunds, on Sunday, where they spent a day with the Rushden, Higham Ferrers, and Irthlingborough “Terriers” in training. They were given a hearty reception by Capt. Wright, Sergt.-Major Bullard, and the Rushden and district men. They handed to Sergt. Bullard a box of cigarettes, which greatly pleased the men. Capt. Wright and all the men of the divisions received gifts of cigarettes, books, etc., from their towns, except Rushden, and he was very pleased the gentlemen had paid the visit. Arrangements have been since made that any gifts to the Rushden, Higham, and Irthlingborough “Terriers,” if sent to Mr. R. Marriott, High-street, Rushden, will be immediately forwarded to the men at Woolpit. Mr Cave is despatching a quantity of fruit and books for the men.
Rushden Echo, 6th November 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden Boys Getting Ready

Rushden Boys in the Northants Territorials are preparing for active service.
On Wednesday they were moved from Woolpit, Bury St Edmunds, to Thetford.
Rushden Echo, 2nd July 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Northamptonshire Territorials at Rushden
The detachment of the 1st/4th Northamptonshire Regiment (Territorials), which is doing a week’s recruiting march through the county this week, left Northampton on Monday morning. They halted at Wilby for the midday meal, resuming their journey shortly before 2 pm. A large crowd watched their arrival at Wellingborough, but, without a halt, they continued the march to Irchester, where they were entertained to a meat tea by Mr. Edward Parsons, J.P., and friends. At 4.30 they left for Rushden, reaching the town just before 5.30.
The men, numbering 150, were under Major A. C. Henson, and the other officers were Captain F. A. Wright, Lieuts. Haywood and Murray, and Second Lieut. Howard. They were also accompanied by Captain the Rev. T. G. Clarke, chaplain to the battalion. Major Eunson also joined them. They came into the town with a sturdy swing to the strains of the band (under Band Sergt. C. Clayson and Drum-Major Hull). The drums and fifes also played selections.
At Rushden they were met by Mr. T. Swindall, J.P. (chairman of the Rushden Urban Council), who cordially welcomed them on behalf of the town, Mr. J. S. Clipson (ex-chairman of the Council), Mr. T. Wilmott, Ald. G. Miller, J.P., Mr. G. H. Skinner, Mr. A. H. Sartoris, J.P., Mr. G. R. Turner, and others.
The men were billeted for the night among the tradesmen of High-street.
Rushden Echo, 9th July 1915
Trench Digging by the
Territorials in Northamptonshire