Rushden Argus, 26th November 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden Family of Fighters An Ex-Soldier Gives his Five Sons to his King and Country
Gnr. A. E. UPTON
11081. R.F.A.
At Ipswich
2040, 2/4th Northants
At Newmarket
55843, R.F.A.
In France
11082, R.F.A.
At Ipswich
Pte. W. J. UPTON
20802, 8th Northants
At Colchester
Mr. and Mrs. A. Upton, of 2, Montague-street, Rushden, enjoy the proud distinction of having all of their five sons serving in the Army. Mr. A. Upton, the father, is an old soldier himself, and "did his bit" between 1874 and 1880, serving in India in frontier fighting.
Driver L. Upton, of the Royal Field Artillery, had been in the Army before the war, but soon re-enlisted, and is now in France. Pte. C. Upton (2/4th Northants) has been in the Territorials several years, and is at Newmarket. Gunners E. Upton and A. E. Upton joined the Royal Field Artillery recently, and are training at Ipswich. The other son, Pte. W. J. Upton, joined the "A" Co., 8th Northants Regiment, a short time ago, and has proceeded to Colchester for training.
Rushden has good cause to be proud of such a family of fighters.
Gunner Albert Ernest Upton, Gunner Eleazar Upton (right) & Pte John W. Upton (seated)
Rushden Echo, 7th July 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Soldier Wounded
Gunner A. Upton’s Narrow Escape
We have received news that Gunner Albert Ernest Upton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Upton, of 2 Montague-street, Rushden, has been slightly wounded. He was serving with a trench mortar battery when a piece of shell hit him in the arm and made a hole in his tunic. He is going on well, however, his injury luckily being slight, and he has been able to resume his duties.
The Rushden Echo, 18th August 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
No Picnic in The Balkans - Rushden Soldier at Salonica
Intense Heat, with Cold Winds - Making Roads and Digging Trenches
Saddler Leonard Upton (Rushden), 55843, C Battery, R.F.A., with the Salonica Force, sends us the following letter:-
“Just a few lines to let you know the Rushden lads out here are quite well, and also myself. You do not read much about us, and I haven’t seen anything in the ‘Rushden Echo’ concerning us out here in the Balkans. Although we are not actually in it, we are doing our share, and I might say we had some rough weather to compete with last winter. Now we have intense heat, with cold winds, which is not at all comfortable, and if not careful we would soon be laid up in hospital. It would surprise a good many people to see what a great difference there is here to-day compared with last year.
“I saw in the ‘Rushden Echo’ of June 30th, a letter from here, written by a Rushden man, which I carefully read before writing these lines. He writes that the troops out here are having a fine picnic. Well, I don’t know about a picnic, as there has been plenty of work to do, making roads, trench digging, etc., which were not in existence before we landed here. I think I have travelled as much over this country and as near to the enemy lines as a good many, so I should know a bit about it.
“I am writing this on behalf of the Rushden lads that are out here, as if our wives and parents at home think we are only out here for a picnic, they may also think they have the right to do so at home. I have heard cases of wives and parents at home not troubling about the boys out here, because they think we are out here for enjoyment only. We have come out here to fight, so I should be very pleased if you would make use of this letter and insert in the good old Local Paper. I am quite well myself, and as long as we know thing are going along nicely at home we can get on with the business out here. I have been out here now eight months, and went through the winter, and am very pleased to say I have had no illness yet. I have done close on eight years in the Army and have a good experience of what it is like. I get the ‘Rushden Echo’ so I get all the Rushden News.
“The soldier who wrote that letter in the ‘Rushden Echo’ has never left the town of Salonica or he would not talk about picnics.”
Rushden Echo, 5th October 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins
Gnr. E Upton Badly Injured - Right Leg and Left Arm Amputated We regret to report that Gunner E Upton, R.F.A., Heavy Trench Mortar Battery, son of Mr and Mrs Aaron Upton of 2, Montague-street, Rushden, and whose wife resides at 18, Pemberton-street, Rushden, was dangerously wounded on Sept. 25th. He is now in hospital at Portsmouth, and we are sorry to report that it has been found necessary to amputate his right leg and left arm. He has also received a bad wound in the face. The same shell that injured Gnr. Upton accounted for the lives of the whole of the remainder of the trench mortar team. Writing to his wife, Gunner Upton, in spite of his grievous misfortune, says he is lucky to be alive.
Rushden Echo, 11th January 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
Gunner E. Upton (right) and two of his soldier brothers.
Rushden Soldier’s Bad Luck
Gunner E. Upton Loses an Arm and a Leg Gunner E. Upton, R.F.A., has just returned to his home, Pemberton-street, Rushden, having been in hospital at Boulogne. He first went out in February 1916, and came home on leave in September 1917. Six days after his return to the front, where he was working with the trench mortars, he was wounded by a shell near Ypres, which necessitated him losing an arm and a leg. After four months in hospital he has returned to England. He is one of five soldier brothers. One, Bombardier A. Upton, R.P.A., is in France, and another, Corpl. Sadler L. Upton, has been in Salonika for 2½ years. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Upton, of Montague-street, Rushden.